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•Combines with the K-6299 bowl to create a complete K-6303 Veil toilet or with a K-6300 bowl to create a complete K-6304 Veil toilet.Codes/Standards Technology ASME A112.19.14ASME A112.6.2•Dual-flush technology allows you to choose between a full- or partial-flush.DOE - Energy ...
deep wall-mount urinal by kohler $775.00 $1,032.50 (2) rated 5 out of 5 stars.2 total votes pintbrook high efficiency urinal by american standard $139.99 $227.00 (6) rated 4 out of 5 stars.6 total votes sale intelligent flushing male toilet by yinxier $184.99 $239.99 rated 0 out of...
Elements Of Design Eba916sn Wall Mount Toothbrush And Tumbler Holder, Satin Nickel. Elements Of Desigb Eba916sn Wall Mount Toothbrush And Tumbler Holder, Satin Nickel Fabricated From Hard Assurance Material Because of Durability And Reliability, Premium Redness Finish Resksts Tarnishing Amd Corrosion,...
科勒(Kohler)单把墙出水脸盆龙头安装说明书 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 安装说明书 1-Handle Wall-Mount Sink Faucet Trim **订购时请说明颜色编号 **Color code must be specified when ordering SERVICE PARTS 零 件 图 1-Handle Wall-Mount Sink Faucet Trim 若方 PARALLEL 若方 PARALLEL 1495813-T2-A ...
uprightanditscenterlineisalignedwiththatofthetoilet在一条中心线上,如有偏差,取下面板,松开固定架的锁定螺 andsquat.Ifanydeviationoccurs,removethecoverand钉,调节固定架使其端正。调完后锁紧螺钉并重新装好面板。 loosenthelockingscrewsofthefixedbracket.Adjustthe fixedbracketforcorrectness.Fastenthescrewsand reinst...
2 Handles Wall Mount Lavatory Faucet without Valve 1142103** 1102890**11028911102892 73067T-B9ACH 双把墙出水脸盆龙头_不含阀芯(琥珀金琉璃把手)73067T-B9GCH 双把墙出水脸盆龙头_不含阀芯(水墨灰琉璃把手)柏诗 COMPOSED 2 Handles Wall Mount Lavatory Faucet without Valve 1490520 1046290 832751 3006...
洗镀层表面,再以干净的软布彻底擦干整个表面。water.Wipeentiresurfacecompletelydrywithacleansoft cloth.Manycleanersmaycontainchemicals,suchas 许多清洁剂,比如氨水,去污粉及洁厕灵等,会 ammonia,chlorine,toiletcleaneretc.whichcouldadversely 对电镀表面造成伤害,切忌使用。 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0您...
A toilet seat mounting assembly that includes a hinge mount on an upper surface of a portion of a pedestal, the hinge mount having a body with a bore; an anchor underneath a lower s
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ,2013Copyright Kohler China Ltd.,2013 版权为科勒中国有限公司所有科勒(中国)投资有限公司 中国上海市静安区江场三路158号 邮编: 200436 制造商:上海科勒电子科技有限公司 中国上海宝山区丰翔路1955号 邮编:200444 蹲便器感应冲洗器座便器/TOILET/SQUAT SENSOR 安装说明书 ...