Kohler Veil Wall Faced Intelligent Toilet说明书 Australia www.kohler.com.au New Zealand www.kohler.co.nz Sizes are approximate.All measurements shown are in millimetres.March 20181351998-A04-A Installation Notes:• Water supply pressure range: Min 70kPa - Max 500kpa.• Power supply ...
K-5402IN-ZZ-0 科勒(中国)投资有限公司 静安 制造商: 中国上海市宝山区丰翔路1955号邮编:200444 English22 中文页码23-43 1247365-T01-K CATALOGUE CautionsandWarnings3 Specification5 ThankyouforChoosingKohlerCompany6 ToiletSchematic6 Remoteguide7 Remotesettingguide8 ...
Keepbathandshowerheadawayfromelectricalparts(suchasremotecontroller,receptacleetc).Whenthe electricalsupplyismountedonthewall,ananti-splashandwaterproofreceptacleisrequired. Unit:mm Powercordhole(Note:thepowercordholeisfortoiletwithoutpowercordmodel,e.g.ifwall ...
REVEWFToilet(HT300MECIWT)K-20768T-S(300)K-20768T-S IncludesReveFloorStandingToiletK-5038TK-5038T IncludesHYDRO-TOWER300300 In-WallTankW/OFrameK-10611T-RESK-10611T-RES IncludesReveQCSeatK-17183T-CPK-17183T-CP MaxispaceToiletwithPaperHolderK-14042T-L()K-14042T-L ...
安裝說明 EIR INTELLIGENT TOILET 尚思智能座便器 Kohler China Investment Co., Ltd.科勒(中國)投資有限公司 No.158, Jiangchangsan Road, Jing'An District, Shanghai, PRC Post Code : 200436中國上海市靜安區江場三路158號郵編:200436 Manufacturer: Shanghai Kohler Electronics., Ltd.製造商:上海科勒電子...
toilet. constructed of solid brass, this left-hand trip lever will help unify your bathroom décor. overall depth - front to back: 0.43'' amazing the difference that a finish on a toilet handle can have to matching another object in the space. ours matched the wall sconces. . michelle....
wall mounted : yes . cheryl lee-monahan. cypress, ca. 2020-08-15 13:56:22 opens in a new tab sale +6 colors available in 7 colors memoirs comfort height chair-height round-front toilet bowl, rough-in by kohler $199.00 $274.00 (39) rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.39 total votes free ...
科勒(Kohler)单把墙出水脸盆龙头安装说明书 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 安装说明书 1-Handle Wall-Mount Sink Faucet Trim **订购时请说明颜色编号 **Color code must be specified when ordering SERVICE PARTS 零 件 图 1-Handle Wall-Mount Sink Faucet Trim 若方 PARALLEL 若方 PARALLEL 1495813-T2-A ...
NOTICE:Receptacles(ifany)installedinbathroomsshallbelocatedatleast1meterfromabathtuborshower ifpractical. Observealllocalplumbingandbuildingcodes. Carefullyinspectthenewtoiletfordamage. Waterandelectricalsuppliesmaybewallmounted. WARNING:Riskofelectricshockforhardwiresinstallations/through-floorelectricalsupply:Connectonl...
美国亚马逊 KOHLER K-6299-7 Veil Wall-Hung Elongated Toilet Bowl, Black Black - - Amazon历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名KOHLER K-6299-7 Veil Wall-Hung Elongated Toilet Bowl, Black Black - - Amazon