它专为初学者在各种模式的 Minecraft 游戏中进行培训和练习而设计。此外,游戏玩家可以检查浏览器的技术,以高分欺骗朋友。 什么是 Kohi Click 测试世界纪录? Kohi Click Test World Record 是游戏玩家基于性能的结果日志。记录 CPS 有点争议,因为黑客滥用第三方。但最高记录以 13.9 CPS 收盘。
Note: You may try this Kohi CPS test as many times as you like. The highest CPS result represents your actual CPS. There is a “Try again” button for you after each attempt. CPS Test Kohi CPS Test Jitter CPS Test Spacebar Test ...
That’s when theKohi click testarrives in handy. After per test, your CPS score is shown. Be sure to maintain track of this score so that you can hit it the next time. Restart to do this until at least 8-10 clicks per second are earned. Aim for at least 1-2 hours daily to ac...
Kohi点击测试以著名的Minecraft服务器“ Kohi”命名,该服务器首次实现点击速度计数,结果以CPS显示。 该测试的工作方式完全相同,但是它位于网页上。 该测试如何进行 要启动Kohi单击测试,请单击绿色的“开始”按钮,并继续尽快单击。 此测试没有倒数计时,它向您显示当前的CPS(最近2秒钟)。 如果您想使用自动倒计时进行...