SYLVAN Koh Chang is one of the best beachfront resort, nestled on the iconic Kai Bae Beach of Koh Chang.
See the map for locations of the ferry piers on koh Chang. They are in the north east of the island. When you get to Koh Chang, take a pick up truck taxi to your hotel. If you are staying in BVangbao, it will take about an hour to get there. Reply Uli January 7, 2018 at...
79 Moo 4 Koh Chang, Trat, THAILAND 23170, Kai Bae Beach, Koh Chang, Thailand, 23170 - See map Escape to SYLVAN Koh Chang, a tranquil beachfront resort in the rainforest of Koh Chang. Perfect for two travelers seeking a peaceful retreat, enjoy stunning views of Kai Bae Beach from modern...
Koh Chang Islands Guide - Koh Chang, Koh Kood, Koh Mak, Koh Wai - getting there, where to stay, beaches, activities, food and drink, weather.
24/1/1 Moo 4, Klong Prao Beach, Koh Chang, Thailand, 23170 - See map Escape to The Dewa Koh Chang, a serene beachfront retreat nestled in the stunning Klong Prao Beach of Koh Chang. Perfect for two travelers seeking relaxation and beautiful surroundings. Enjoy the private beach, luxurious...
Koh Chang Tours, Activities and Transfers from Coco Dee Bo. Let us help you plan your trip, then bring you here, then help you enjoy your Koh Chang holiday
我选择的另一种出行方式就是坐大巴啦,从Ekkamai station 出发,Google map 搜索就可以搜索得到,然后在入口左侧最靠里的一个窗口你会看到上面写着到Koh Chang的票,印象中票价在265泰铢一人,早上有三个时间段5/6/7点你都可以选择,我选择了6点出发,于是天还没亮我们就踏上了旅程……. ...
SSP Bangalow - (Hotel) - White Sand Beach, Koh Chang, Trat, Thailand - secure booking via Agoda & map - check availability and rates for your stay - special deals!
Koh Chang Paradise Hill - (Hotel) - Klong Prao Beach, Koh Chang, Trat, Thailand - secure booking via Agoda & map - check availability and rates for your stay - special deals!
See the map & information on this site. Reply Alex January 26, 2018 at 9:53 pmPermalink How to get from the Ao Sapporot pier, Koh Chang to our Hotel in Bang Bao (Yuyu Golden Beach)? Is it better to arrange the Transfer from BKK by taxi including the drop off at the Resort?