树莓派 Raspberry Pi 3B+ 也用了两年多了,期间一直主要用做 Ubuntu Server。 最近bundle upgrade jekyll 的时候,gcc 编译会out of memory,没有办法,换了台D2550的x86板子做Server。 这台闲置下来,就想看看能做点什么,发现Raspberry Pi官网上有对Kodi支持的系统(LibreElec)。 遂下来玩一玩。 1.系统安装 LibreEle...
The Raspberry Pi does not include an on/off switch, so if you prefer to turn off your RPi for the night, I would suggest using thisOn Off power switchfor Raspberry Pi. Use supported input devices Try using HDMI CEC first. If you need more flexibility on remote control configuration, then...
Bug report Describe the bug When opening a Half SBS 3D movie, like This Avatar trailer, and using 3D SBS playback, the result on RaspberryPI 4 (using LibreELEC) is not correct. As clearly explained in this forum thread: First quarter (le...
(2)编译库文件Compile libraries on Pi: cd /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/libs/ilclient/ make cd /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video make (3)拉取安装包Clone this repo (to a desired directory): cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/homeworkc/lazycast (4)编译安装Go to the lazycast directory and ...
(2)HOW-TO:Install Kodi on Raspberry Pi:http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kodi_on_Raspberry_Pi (3)The Basics of Live TV and Recording:http://kodi.wiki/view/PVR/Basics 树莓派盒子其实介于盒子和 htpc 之间,一方面有盒子操作方便、界面友好的特点,另一方面又具有 htpc 的灵活性。这篇文章只适用...
sakaki-/gentoo-on-rpi-64bit Star918 Bootable 64-bit Gentoo image for the Raspberry Pi4B, 3B & 3B+, with Linux 5.4, OpenRC, Xfce4, VC4/V3D, camera and h/w codec support, weekly-autobuild binhost raspberry-pirpicamerakodiv4l2gentoorpi3xfce464-bitmmalrpi3brpi3b-plushw-codecsv4l2-m2mrpi...
PI 这个小型的设备是一台功能强大的计算机。自四年前成立以来,我一直很喜欢PI。PI由位于英国的慈善组织Raspberry Pi Foundation制作,配备四核ARM处理器,1GB RAM,4个USB端口,全HDMI端口,以太网端口。它还有一个MicroSD卡插槽,3.5毫米音频插孔和复合视频,相机接口(CSI),显示接口(DSI)。Pi3是最新版本,是其前身Pi2的...
2019年6月24日,树莓派官网宣布Raspberry Pi 4正式开售。树莓派4采用四核64位的ARM CortexA72架构CPU,型号为博通BCM2711 SoC,主频达1.5GHz,官宣比上一代(树莓派3B+)性能提升3倍。有1G、2G或4G的LPDDR4内存供选择,支持蓝牙5.0技术,配备了两个USB 3.0和两个USB 2.0端口,支持双显示器,分辨率高达4K,支持硬件解码4K...
Kodi媒体中心是一个屡获殊荣的自由和开源的跨平台媒体播放器和用于HTPC(Home theater PC,家庭影院PC)的数字媒体娱乐中心软件,可以运行在Windows、Android、iOS、Mac、Linux、Raspberry Pi系统。它是一个优秀的自由和开源的(GPL)媒体中心软件。最初为Xbox而开发,叫XBMC。因为全世界开发者的参与,这个软件已经拥有远远超过...
https://www.arcadepunks.com/top-5-raspberry-pi-64gb-retro-gaming-images-8095-games-kodi/ Gamers love the compact budget friendly 64gb image. Let’s see what I claim to be some of the best images out there. https://www.arcadepunks.com/retro-pi-downloads-page/ 5- Nachos NEW 64gb Pi ...