3、将字体fonts 这个选项改成下图这个字体,不然选择中文会乱码: 4、在第二栏里面,将Language语言改成chinese中文:设置中文完成,此步骤耗时10秒,共使用时间30秒!设置KODI媒体库 1、点击小齿轮里面的设置页面的媒体按钮: 2、选择视频选项:3、点击添加视频: 4、点击浏览: 5、这里有多个方式可以选择自己的影片保存的...
The Fen Kodi Addon is a powerful and lightweight addon for streaming video content over the internet. Fen has support for Real Debrid (cached torrents), Easynews (Usenet provider) and Furk (storage provider) which makes it very unique. Fen is one of the fastest addons out there, it is ...
The IcDrama Kodi Addon lists movies and TV shows in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese. There are plenty of sections to choose from and video content in different languages with subtitles. In our guide below we show you step by step how to install the IcDrama Kodi Addon. Attention: P...
首先我们要启动 Kodi, 进入System -> Settings -> Interface -> Skin -> Fonts然后将字体修改成 Arial Based 。 接下来打开 System -> Settings -> Interface -> Regioal -> Language -> CHinese(Simple) 等几秒下完字体包之后我们就可以看见熟悉的中文界面了。 3,添加你的视频、音乐、图片目录 添加视频、...
Addon scripts, plugins, and skins for KODI Media Center. For Traditional Chinese 安裝 下載[repository.kodi-addons-chinese-1.0.2.zip]kodi-addons-chinese 打開KODI 進入系統(SYSTEM)→系統設定(Settings) 選擇 附加元件(Add-ons) 選擇從 zip 檔案安裝(Install from zip file) ...
Nemesis AIO: All-in-one addon to stream any content. Patriot: One of the reliable addons for Movies and Shows. The Magic Dragon: For Movies, Shows, and More. Daddy Live: For Sports. Kodi Addons Related Options Here are some of the terms you will come across frequently in this post:...
Shadow is anon-demandKodi addon for movie and TV show enthusiasts. The add-on’s user interface is straightforward, with sections like Movie World, TV World, What’s New, Trakt, Search, and Settings. It is aDebrid-onlyaddon that ensures all the streaming links are high-quality. It iscomp...
<import addon="script.module.keyboard.chinese" version="1.0.0"/> </requires> <extension point="xbmc.python.pluginsource" library="addon.py"> <provides>video</provides> </extension> <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata"> <platform>all</platform> <language></language> XBMC Bilibi...
Hindi movies add-on. It contains a plethora of movies and TV shows in all kinds of languages. As for Bollywood movies, you can take advantage of the language classification to choose your favorite movies. Moreover, you can access many movies from other countries easily on this Kodi addon. ...
Here you’ll discover Korean, Japanese & Chinese content viz films as well as TV series and other international shows. Here, are some noteworthy features of this Korean drama Kodi addon: TV episodes, movies & full series are among the featured videos. Content may be searched and sorted by ...