1803 -- 1:54 App KODI媒体播放器皮肤Arctic:Zephyr - Reloaded 3177 -- 39:52 App Kodi摸索从下载开始 Arctic Horizon 2皮肤 9890 1 2:14 App kodi皮肤Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded,网飞风格,设置有点复杂 3617 2 15:05 App kodi21.1下载安装arctic.horizon.2(地平线2)皮肤 8.5万 4 0:35 App kodi...
13. Arctic Zephyr Reloaded Kodi 20 and Kodi 21 Arctic Zephyr Reloaded is one of the many creations of Jurialmunkey, a trusted creator among Kodi users. It is an advanced version of the original Arctic Zephyr skin by the same creator. This official skin lets you customize your Kodi user i...
The Arctic Zephyr 2 is acompact design of feather-light Kodi skin, which seems graceful. Jurialmunkey developed this skin. The Jurialmunkey also created the Aura skin, which is why these two look pretty similar. It features menus and submenus in a circular user interface. The user interf...
在网上搜寻发现原来有些皮肤已经适配19了,只是没有上官方插件库。 汉化者找到一款名为 Arctic Horizon 的皮肤,作者是 jurialmunkey,同时他也是 Arctic Zephyr 2,Aura皮肤的作者。可惜这款皮肤并不支持中文,我只好亲自汉化了。 这款皮肤有些设置项目名称过于简短,且皮肤可自定义项较多,因此比较难以确定其作用。好在...
Arctic Zephyr 2 Arctic Zephyr 2 is another Arctic skin developed by jurialmunkey, developed to provide more viewing options to Arcitic skins users. You'll find Arctic Zephyr 2 and Arctic Horizon resemble each other in various aspects and have similar item layouts, viewing style and navigating ...
本人通过试用几款不同的皮肤说说体验,Aeon MQ8皮肤比较华丽,但感觉占资源用着有点卡,看IPTV操作也不好。AppTV皮肤简约快速,界面非常简单和方便,看IPTV方便显示信息全。Arctic: Zephyr皮肤反应快速挺好用,看IPTV有频道按钮。以上皮肤只是简单测试,都没试刮削电影信息后的效果,当然萝卜白菜各有所爱,大家自己使用感受。
kodi20的可以参考这个:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wu4y1r76i/?vd_source=7ca0ad2597ce970099affd775e83bdb6 插件github原地址:https://github.com/jurialmunkey/skin.arctic.horizon.2 会折腾的可以保存下,自己没事看看有没有更新。游戏 单机游戏 arctic.horizon.2 安装教程 地平线2 kodi ...
我用的是coreelec安装了Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded皮肤,我发现如果电影资料库有新导入的电影,首页就会显示,但是看过之后就会从主界面消失,只能进电影里找到,如果所有电影全播放过主界面就一片黑什么都不显示。地平线2也有这个情况,知道的大神指点一下呗,谢谢 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-08-24 08:53回复...
Arctic: Zephyr Kodi Skin Artic: Zephyr is perfectly suited to the Amazon Fire TV remote. In fact if you use this skin on a desktop PC is actually prompts you on screen that the mouse is not supported. Artic: Zephyr is one of the cleanest looking Kodi skins out there. It has an ambie...
2. Arctic: Zephyr Arctic Zephyr Skin For Kodi Arctic: Zephyris another one of the best Kodi skins 2017 because it has a beautiful and functional interface showing a lot of information at a quick glance. It comes in both light and dark variants but unfortunately it does not support mouse an...