In the article entitled The systematization of the Canon Law of 1917 the author presents the course of the discussion of the members of the Papal Commission for the Codification of Canon Law with regard to the systematization of the CIC 1917. The article is based on sources ...
The Letter of Congregation of the Clergy from the year 2009 partially relates to the aforementioned questions. The Holy See searched for the cases of presbyteries staying in serious irregularity of their lives and came to conclusion that the dismissal from the clerical state would be the only ...
Pobożne zapisy jako sposób pozyskiwania dóbr doczesnych w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. i w partykularnym prawie polskim 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者: A Warmuz 摘要: The Catholic Church as a community operating in the world needs material resources to be able...
In the article has been presented genesis of crime of physical forces against clerics and religious (can. 1370). Author has analyzed punishments for this crime in Gratian's Decretum, the apostolic constitution of Pius XII (12 October 1869), the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the Schematic of the...
Inkardynacja i ekskardynacja duchownych w Kodeksie prawa kanonicznego z 1917 i 1983 rokuThe aim of the article is to present the evolution of the legal institution of incardination and excardination over the last sixty-six years, from the promulgation of Code of Canon Law by Benedict ...
EWOLUCJA NORM PRAWNYCH DOTYCZCYCH OSOBY SDZIEGO PRZED KODEKSEM PRAWA KANONICZNEGO Z 1917 ROKUdoi:10.18290/rnp22323.5The judge is the entity that applies the law. The judge adjudicates on court cases. The history of the Church shows, that from the beginning, we had to deal...
Autonomia wiernych chrześcijan w stowarzyszeniach prywatnych według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 rokuThe presented article discusses the autonomy of the Christian faithful in private associations in the Code of Canon Law of 1983. The private associations are one of the types of ...
Zakaz zawarcia małżeństwa w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. i instrukcji procesowej Dignitas connubiiIt is necessary to meet the several prerequisites for legally binding prohibition of entering a marriage. The first prerequisite is prohibition issued by a competent church authority –...
Formacja w świetle Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego (1983)The main stages of a religious formation are: a postulate, a novitiate, a period of time after the temporal vows and after the perpetual vows until death. All stages are equally important. The formation of members of Religious Orders ...
PODMIOTY ZOBLIGOWANE I UPRAWNIONE DO WYCHOWANIA DZIECKA NA PODSTAWIE KODEKSU PRAWA KANONICZNEGO Z 1983 ROKUdoi:10.21697/pk.2020.63.4.02The article includes considerations about the entities obliged and entitled to raise a child on the basis of the Code of Canon Law of 1...