On the other hand, the issue of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicant was treated as a misdemeanor exclusively due to the need to keep the statistics of convictions down, and not because of this act's low harmfulness (danger).SZCZYGIE, T...
However, the penal code of the Polish People's Republic evolved in a very different direction— the rules of the Military Penal Code of the Polish Army of 1944 were established in the spirit of the so-called blind bayonets theory, on the basis of a "revolutionary Soviet model." The ...
Kwestia odpowiedzialności karnej żołnierzy za działanie na rozkaz w Kodeksie karnym Wojska Polskiego z 1944 r.Numerous trials of war criminals that followed the end of the Second World War, including the most notorious Nuremberg Trials, demonstrated that the line of defence which ...
Przestpstwo czynu nierzdnego z nieletnim w kodeksach karnych państw zaborczych i kodeksie karnym z 1932 roku. Przyczynek do badańdoi:10.4467/20844131KS.24.003.19460POLANDMARRIAGE lawCRIMINAL codesPEDOPHILIAMINORSCRIMECHILD marriageThe crime of pedophilia, a...
Being a combination of solutions functioning on the basis of the military criminal code from 1932 and Soviet patterns, the regulations of chapter XXV were biding until the criminal code of the People's Republic of Poland from 1969 was put into effort.Michał Arndt...
Kara pozbawienia wolnoci w protokoach Wydziau Karnego Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej II RP oraz w kodeksie karnym z 1932 rdoi:10.14746/cph.2023.2.6The catalogue of basic punishments in the 1932 Criminal Code included two types of imprisonment, i.e. prison and jail. The ...
91 搂 1 of the Criminal Code that the court shall impose one penalty on the basis of the provision whose attributes each of these offences".Żółtek Sławomir