Kodeks cywilny austriacki (ABGB) a wykonanie zobowiązań pieniężnych w II RzeczypospolitejThe article concerns the application of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) in the period of the Second Republic of Poland. The paper has three sections: preliminary issues; ABGB and case law; and...
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In Chile itself, the code perfectly responded to the needs of the country which was seeking social and political consolidation and had the ambition to become a local power. The article presents the historical background of the work on the Code and presents its author whose merits for t...
Opinia prawna na temat rz…dowego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy -- Kodeks cywilnyThe opinion deals with a government bill concerning an amendment to the Civil Code within the scope of transmission easement. In particular, the author comments on the changes proposed to Article 49 of Civil ...
Civil Code 2.0 - Legal alert (2/2014)
He also does not see the need for changes in excluding from the group of persons liable for rent liabilities and fees for occupying premises adults who are unable to support themselves and who are dependent on their parents.Gutowski, MaciejZeszyty Prawnicze Biuro Analiz Sejm...