-23% Kodak Ultra Prem Photo 10.4" A4 x 25" Fotopapier 9,99 €12,99 € 6magasins Kodak Mini 2 208,99 € 3magasins Kodak RDPF-700W 69,00 € 6magasins Kodak Sport Underwater 800 ISO 35mm 3,4 20,95 € 6magasins Kodak Cartouche Papier PHC-80 10 x 15 cm 80 Feuilles 3...
Fabricated Frames - Fabricated means created, invented - Frames means structure - photo frames made of fabric, Ultrahold interfacing, ribbon, & sometimes mat board, sometimes paper card stock or vinyl inventions of crafts by Kristie Hubler, copyright protected: washable, sewn & no sew, fabric /...