虽然我没有做过详细的测试,但看起来 HC-110 倾向于产生“上扫”特性曲线,在高光处(负片的暗区,图片的亮区)对比度相对较高。尤其是 T-Max 100 胶片,HC-110 产生上扫曲线,高光处的对比度比阴影处的对比度更高,而 Xtol 产生的曲线更接近 S 形(让人想起 Tri-X Pan),对比度最高在中间调。 John P. Sch...
Kodak HC-110是一种浓缩显影剂,于1965年被发明并一直使用至今,常被用于摄影新闻工作及图片社。在Ansel Adams(亚当斯)的《The Negative》书中被推荐,并被广大摄影爱好者所推荐。在柯达的官方数据表中被推荐用来冲洗柯达的全系列黑白胶卷,也使用于各品脾的其他胶卷,为通用显影液。HC-110和其他显影液不同,它使用...
We have replaced this item with our FPP-110 (1 Liter) HERE KODAK PROFESSIONAL HC-110 Developer is a highly concentrated liquid developer. It is intended for use with a variety of black-and-white films, some graphic-arts films, and some glass plates. We s
kodak柯达黑白胶卷官方冲洗数据 © Eastman Kodak Company, 2007. Kodak, Kodak Professional, D-19, D-76, DK-50, Ektaflo, HC-110, Kodafix, Photo-Flo, Plus-X, Polymax, T-Max, T ri-X, and Xtol ae trademarks. ED-BWF CAT No. 835 7105 10/08 These are starting-point ...
I think everyone has one. In my long film developing career I have tried many, but used consistently about 3, first Microdol-X, T-Max and Xtol. My shelf now consist of Xtol, Rodinal, HC110 Photographer’s Formulary’s TD3 and Diafine. Xtol does 90% of film developing work load. Her...
Below, I’ll go over the thoughtful little upgrades that the Kodak Ektar H35N brings to the table. Throughout, I’ll provide sample images that I shot on Kodak TMAX 100 35mm film and processed inKodak HC110 developerwith only mild editing. Be sure to stick around for my final verdict ...
KODAKPROFESSIONALHC-110显影液柯达专业HC110显影液是一种高度浓缩的显影液。适用于各种黑白胶片,部分印刷制版胶片以及摄影干版。同时适用于自动补充和非自动补充的显影系统。若使用自动补充系统,建议适用柯达专业HC110显影液补充剂。请准确计量浓缩液,因为其具有粘性。以下方法可供参考。 缓慢倾倒浓缩液防止气泡生成。如果...
Exposures were made at an ASA of 80 to 200, and the film was developed in a 1:4 dilution of HC‐110 stock developer for 6 minutes at 21°C. The method is presented as an alternative to the manufacturer's recommended developer dilutions and times, as these resulted in negatives of ...
Shop laboratory photography equipment and supplies for microscopy. Find options for film, paper, developer, fixer, and much more. COntact EMS for a helpful guide.