KODAK E1030 E1040 Windows Drivers If your scanning application requires the driver to identify the scanner as a Kodak scanner, download and use the Kodak E1000 Series Driver Operating systems tested on: Go to specifications for complete list, review release notes for details. Release Notes Windows...
E1030 Scanner 30ppm | 80 Sheet ADF Affordable and practical Largest feeder in its class Dual Light Illumination (DLI) 9 Quick Scan Jobs View Product Image E1040 Scanner 40ppm | 80 Sheet ADF Affordable and practical Largest feeder in its class Dual Light Illumination (DLI) 9 Quick Scan Job...
Kodak E1040 扫描仪可以与选装的平板附件对接,为扫描身份证和护照或者处理受损及易损文档提供了快速便捷的解决方案。通过 TWAIN 和 ISIS 驱动程序的无缝集成,无需再使用多个扫描仪驱动程序。 立即开始 有问题?请填写以下信息,我们将与您联系。 开始 规格 产品亮点 The KODAK E1040 Scanner provides fast, accurat...
KODAK E1030-E1040 Scanner flyer(424kb) KODAK A4 Legal Flatbed Accessory(0.72mb) KODAK Passport Flatbed Accessory brochure(0.86mb) Specifications Product HighlightsThe KODAK E1040 Scanner provides fast, accurate, and reliable results that help streamline your information capture and processing workflows ...
S3100 Scanner 100 ppm | 300 张 ADF 快速而强大 USB 和有线以太网 Surepath™;智能文档传送技术 FADGI 3-Star / MTR Compliant 查看产品 图像 S3100f Scanner 100 ppm | 300 张 ADF 快速而强大 USB 和有线以太网 Surepath™;智能文档传送技术 FADGI 3-Star / MTR Compliant 查看产品 图像 S2085...
Compact, on-the-go scanner USB Powered Robust media handling 9 Quick Scan Jobs View Product Image E1030 Scanner 30ppm | 80 Sheet ADF Affordable and practical Largest feeder in its class Dual Light Illumination (DLI) 9 Quick Scan Jobs View Product Image E1040 Scanner 40ppm | 80 Sheet AD...
商品名称:KODAKKodakS2050 Scanner 商品编号:100012666511 类型:馈纸式 分辨率:600dpi 最大幅面:A4 感光元件:CIS 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 厂家服务 本商品质保期周期1年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。 如因质量问题或故障,凭厂商维修中心或特约维修点的质量检测证...
Brand Kodak Mono color Color, Monochrome Size A8 Condition New Maximum scanner resolution 600 dpi Has automatic document feeder Y About this item Product details Kodak Dokumentenscanner E1040 A4 40 S. /Min. Duplex ADF 80 Blatt USB 3.2
E1030 Scanner30 ppm / 60 ipmUp to 80 sheets of 80 g/m² (20 lb.) paperTheKODAKE1030 Scanner provides fast, accurate, and reliable results that help streamline your information capture and processing workflows so that your business can achieve more in less time.More info ...
digital image capture devices such as a scanner28and a digital camera30, which are additional sources of digital images, can also be provided to the computer12. However, it is to be understood that the digital images may be obtained from any source. A user interacts with the computer12via ...