Two patients in end-stage renal failure and with neurogenic bladders due to spina bifida complicated by myelomeningocele were considered for renal tranplantation. One patient had had a right nephrectomy and urinary diversion via an ileal conduit; the other, after various external drainage procedures...
1988: Osmotic water absorption into ileal s pouch and ileocolic bladder substitutes and the continent kock pouch Journal of Urology 139(4 Part 2): 194A Hultén, L.; Fasth, S.; Nordgren, S.; Oresland, T. 1988: Kock's pouch converted to a pelvic pouch. Report of a case Diseases of ...
QUALITY OF LIFE AFTER RADICAL CYSTECTOMY FOR BLADDER CANCER IN PATIENTS WITH AN ILEAL CONDUIT, OR CUTANEOUS OR URETHRAL KOCK POUCH PURPOSE: Radical cystectomy for bladder cancer is associated with many changes in bodily function with sexual and urinary dysfunction most prevalent. Howev... S Hart,EC...
Donald G,skinner DG,Gary L,et al.Technique of creation of a continent internal ileal reservoir (Kockpouch) for urinary diversion.Urologic Clinics of North America. 1984Skinner DG, Lieskovsky G, Boyd SD. Technique of creation of a continent internal ileal reservoir (Kock pouch) for urinary ...
The Indiana pouch has similar technical demands as the ileal conduit, similar postoperative complications as the ileal conduit or Kock pouch, and functions well with a low revision rate. We conclude that the modified Indiana pouch can be accomplished safely and effectively in any patient requiring ...
The use of single pigtail soft silicone self-retaining ileal conduit stents appears to have particular value in the perioperative management of patients with a Kock pouch continent urinary diversion. Stenting provides greater assurance of sustained internal urinary diversion, lessening concern regarding ...