科氏工业(/ˈkoʊk/,英语:KochIndustries,Inc.),于1940年由费列德·查尔斯·科赫(FredC.Koch)加入一家当时名为“WoodRiverOilandRefiningCompany”(木江炼油公司),由于1946年进行收购位于俄克拉何马州杜勤的,长岛炼油厂,故此更名为“长岛炼油公司”。发展历程 1966年,查尔斯·科赫(CharlesG.Koch)则...
THE PRODUCTS YOU NEED Our product portfolio provides a breadth of line in each category created to meet your application needs. Browse Products WHY KOCH INDUSTRIES? Established in 1978, Koch Industries has a long-standing reputation of delive
Contact Us Frequently Asked Questions Kochind.com Print All Languages Our Code of Conduct CEO Letter by Charles Koch and Dave Robertson Read Now Our Values These principles define who we are as an organization. READ NOW How Does the Code Apply to You? I am a New Employee I wo...
Koch Industries David Koch dead: Read the full statement from Koch Industries and Charles Koch David Koch had been in ill-health for some time. advertisement LatestKoch IndustriesNews advertisement
THE PRODUCTS YOU NEED Our product portfolio provides a breadth of line in each category created to meet your application needs. Browse Products WHY KOCH INDUSTRIES? Established in 1978, Koch Industries has a long-standing reputation of delive
THE PRODUCTS YOU NEED Our product portfolio provides a breadth of line in each category created to meet your application needs. Browse Products WHY KOCH INDUSTRIES? Established in 1978, Koch Industries has a long-standing reputation of delive
Food. Shelter. Clothing. Transportation. Creating life's basic necessities for people around the world through various businesses in multiple industries.
随着2025届秋季招聘的拉开序幕,众多知名企业纷纷发布招聘信息,给广大应届毕业生带来了丰富的就业机会。其中,Koch Industries(科氏工业集团)作为世界500强企业之一,以其强大的行业影响力、广泛的业务布局和良好的员工福利,成为了众多留学生心目中的理想雇主。
企业简称 Koch Industries企业全称 Koch Industries 成立时间 - 融资阶段 未融资 市值/估值 -人员规模 - 一级行业 生产制造企业网址 https://www.kochind.com 运营状态 运营中公司类型 实体企业,投资机构 一句话简介 美国综合型集团 企业介绍 Koch Industries是美国一家综合型集团,主营业务包括石油运输、加工、贸易...