Nike Zoom Kobe 6 “Supreme Rice”又是一双颜值爆表的配色,这双为莱斯高中打造的款式,当年光凭颜值就惊艳了无数玩家,古铜质感的鞋面搭配毒液绿,真的太好看了。不难发现,Kobe 6 诞生过的 “神配色” 可真是不少,小编觉得这一切都得益于独特的鞋面造型,就像一张画布一样,给了 Nike 无限的设计空间。Ni...
每年二月 Nike 都会推出限定的黑人月配色,元年 Kobe 6 的黑人月为黑金装扮。去年NBA 赛场,铁杆科蜜德文·布克还特别上脚了一款全新的白金 PE 配色。 Nike Kobe 6 “Dark Knight” 与小丑配色对应的蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士配色,从五代延续到六代也一并推出。 Kobe 6 “Bred” 致敬公牛的黑红 Bred 配色,鞋面黑银过渡...
Nike Zoom Kobe 6 “Dark Knight” 有小丑怎么能没有死对头「蝙蝠侠」呢?5 代黑暗骑士配色的设计灵感来自于《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》的电影海报. 这个配色也随着小丑一起延续至 6 代身上,两双鞋交相辉映,可谓是「一时瑜亮」。 Nike Zoom Kobe 6 “Draft Day” 另外一个继承自前作的配色就是 “Draft Day”...
Nike Zoom Kobe 6 Protro "White Del Sol" 季后赛 2021复刻 低帮 篮球鞋 男女同款 黑白黄 想要 Nike Zoom Kobe 6 Protro "Green Apple" 科比6 青蜂侠 2020复刻 低帮 Air Zoom 实战篮球鞋 男女同款 荧光绿 想要 Nike Zoom Kobe 6 Dark Knight 黑暗骑士 圆头系带 减震防滑 低帮 篮球鞋 男款 黑色 国外版 ...
The Nike Zoom unit of the heel and forefoot parts and the Phylon light injection midsole together form a perfect slow shock system, which can reduce the impact force without increasing the weight. Kobe's advice and inspiration also played a key role in the appearance design of Nike Zoom Kobe...
Designer: Eric Avar Inspiration: Further enhancing the low-top design with lightweight materials. Top Colorways: Chaos (White/Green/Red), Bruce Lee (Yellow/Black/Red), Dark Knight (Black/Blue).Stats (2009-2010): 27.0 points, 5.4 rebounds, 5.0 assists...
(5) - 2010 NBA All-Star Game全明星版 br / br / br / img br / br / br /Zoom Kobe 5 Dark Knight 黑暗骑士 br / br / img br / br / br / img ...
There's a scene in "The Dark Knight" when Batman is threatening the Joker, he says. This is the role that Heath Ledger posthumously won an Academy Award for but that many point to as the beginning of his personal descent. A documentary later revealed that the troubled actor...
Bryant's last shot was well contested by Denver's rangy 6-foot-8 Wilson Chandler. Young was open at the top of the key. "I could have gotten a better shot," Bryant said, "but that was the shot I've practiced my entire career." Plenty of his shots have been short lately, leaving...
Nike Zoom Kobe 6 “Dark Knight” 有小丑怎么能没有死对头「蝙蝠侠」呢?5 代黑暗骑士配色的设计灵感来自于《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》的电影海报. 这个配色也随着小丑一起延续至 6 代身上,两双鞋交相辉映,可谓是「一时瑜亮」。 Nike Zoom Kobe 6 “Draft Day” ...