routes/users.js var router = require('koa-router')();router.get('/:id', function *(next) { console.log(this.params); console.log(this.request.params); this.body = 'this a users response!';});module.exports = router;执行 npm run 2 ... routes/users.js varrouter=require('koa-router')();router.get('/:id',function*(next){console.log(this.params);console.log(this.request.params);this.body='this a users response!';});module.exports=router; 执行 npm run 2 访问http://
}//参数装饰器exportfunctionRequestParam (paramName: string) {return(target: any, methodName: string, index: number) =>{ const params= target[methodName].paramList ||{}; params[paramName]=index; target[methodName].paramList=params; }; }//参数装饰器exportfunctionRequestBody () {return(target...
在方法中使用'/xxx',async(ctx, next) => {letpostParam = ctx.request.body//获取post提交的数据});
') } /** * @param {Object} context * @return {Promise} * @api public */ return function (context, next) { // last called middleware # let index = -1 return dispatch(0) function dispatch (i) { if (i <= index) return Promise.reject(new Error('n...
ctx.query.param路由参数(/:id)ctx.params.idPOST参数(JSON或Form)ctx.request.body请求回应(response)服务器响应给客户端的数据 restful ctx.body = yourData模板渲染 默认从views目录开始,不许加文件后缀 ctx.render('layout', yourData)路由拦截 未登录时拒绝请求,这样会返回404 const userAuth = (ctx, ...
param.onError(err) }) } koa2实现接口uploadFiles,文件多线程上传文件 async uploadFiles(ctx) { const files = ctx.request.files || {}; if (!files || Object.keys(files).length === 0) { ctx.status = 400; ctx.body = "请选择的上传文件"; ...
optional() - the param may not in the params.if the param not exists,it has no error,no matter whether have other checker or not. empty([tip]) - the params can be a empty string. notEmpty([tip]) - check if the param is not empty. notBlank([tip]) - check if the param is ...