asyncfunctionerrorHandler(ctx,next){try{awaitnext()}catch(e){ctx.body={code:e.status.toString(),message:e.message}}} And then I found that404and405cannot be catched by the handler, 404is the default status ofKoa, so I handle it manually. But I think405should be catchable... Am I d...
405 "method not allowed" 406 "not acceptable" 407 "proxy authentication required" 408 "request timeout" 409 "conflict" 410 "gone" 411 "length required" 412 "precondition failed" 413 "payload too large" 414 "uri too long" 415 "unsupported media type" ...
405 "method not allowed" 406 "not acceptable" 407 "proxy authentication required" 408 "request timeout" 409 "conflict" 410 "gone" 411 "length required" 412 "precondition failed" 413 "payload too large" 414 "uri too long" 415 "unsupported media type" ...
app.use(router.routes());// 如果没有这一行, 当使用其他请求方式请求user时, 会提示404// 如果有这一行, 当使用其他请求方式请求user时, 提示405 method not allowedapp.use(router.allowedMethod());复制代码 1. 2. koa-static (静态web托管服务) ...
访问http://localhost:8090/user/login后,get方法浏览器可以获得回应的json数据,但是http://localhost:8090/signin后,post总是在浏览器显示405 Method Not Allowed.查看浏览器显示请求方法为GET,响应头Allow:POST Connection:keep.alive 麻烦大家帮忙看看可能会是什么问题 感谢postkoa2...
可以看到,这里我们调用router对象的routes方法获取到对应的 Koa 中间件,还调用了allowedMethods方法注册了 HTTP 方法检测的中间件,这样当用户通过不正确的 HTTP 方法访问 API 时,就会自动返回 405 Method Not Allowed 状态码。 我们通过 Curl 来测试路由(也可以自行使用 Postman): ...
Support for 405 Method Not Allowed and 501 Not Implemented Multiple route middleware Multiple and nestable routers async/await support Migrating to 7 / Koa 2 The API has changed to match the new promise-based middleware signature of koa 2. See the koa 2.x readme for more information. Middlew...
405 "method not allowed" 406 "not acceptable" 407 "proxy authentication required" 408 "request timeout" 409 "conflict" 410 "gone" 411 "length required" 412 "precondition failed" 413 "payload too large" 414 "uri too long" 415 "unsupported media type" ...
()获得一个中间件,当发送了不符合的请求时,会返回 `405 Method Not Allowed` 或 `501 Not Implemented`app.use(router.routes());app.use(router.allowedMethods({// throw: true, // 抛出错误,代替设置响应头状态// notImplemented: () => '不支持当前请求所需要的功能',// methodNotAllowed: () =>...