Asset Accounting in Central Finance in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP 2020 Jul 17 Tax Depreciation Area Not Showing Posted Values in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2019 Sep 18 Tcode KO88 - cannot_use_this_transaction_type_to_post_to_this_asset in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A ...
I tried using KOB5, but system doesn't allow line item settlement as the IO are not created as Investment measures. Please help to let me know how to achieve this in SAP with any configuration change if required. Regards, Voona VivekKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowled...
when we settle the production order variances , it will take one account from OBYC(t-code)/PRD-PRF. But how does systemdetermines the other account? and what should be the GL entry? Like Credit which balnce sheet account /P&l account Or debit which balnce sheet account /P&l accountKnow...
1. Prod Ord will be settled to SO here in settlement profile receiver will be SO 2. SO will be settled to COPA here receiver will be prf seg Kamal former_member219500 Participant 2016 Feb 02 0 Kudos Hi..sir What is the t.code for Prod Ord will be settled to SO Thanks and...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting Hi gurus, I have this problem: i am running ko88 on a fixed asset and a recive this error message: Acquisition value negative in area 04 - message number AA617 I've watched the asset by AB08 and the vaule is positive. I know that i can ...
Only with the help of forums, I have configured the settlement profile for MTO Sales order but I don't have any idea whether is it right. Kindly help, thanks in advance. Regards, Vijay N MAT Settlement - Accouting doc.jpg SDI Settlement Profit doc.jpg Know...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Controlling Hi Expert, I find an error when doing settlement in KO88. This order is from new company code which is the first time doing settlement, but it prompt this error. The other order come with old company code has no this problem. Could you advice is ther...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting Hi gurus, I have this problem: i am running ko88 on a fixed asset and a recive this error message: Acquisition value negative in area 04 - message number AA617 I've watched the asset by AB08 and the vaule is positive. I know that i can ...