The KNX IP Router also acts as a network interface for the ETS5/ETS6 software for configuration and parameter setting. KNX® Router (item numbers 750-889 and 753-646) Controller and Module: Router Together, the KNX IP Controller and the KNX/TP1 Module make up the KNXnet IP Router, whi...
有了ETS应用程序,你可以实现更多的富有创造性的想法,给你的项目带来额外的增值。最重要的是,你不必担心兼容性问题。ETS应用程序提供了无限的选择,但仍然与整个 KNX系统兼容。希望获得更多可能性的ETS用户只需下载、安装和授权应用程序就可以享受额外的功能。 About Development Software of KNX 关于KNX的开发软件 KNX国...
有了ETS应用程序,你可以实现更多的富有创造性的想法,给你的项目带来额外的增值。最重要的是,你不必担心兼容性问题。ETS应用程序提供了无限的选择,但仍然与整个 KNX系统兼容。希望获得更多可能性的ETS用户只需下载、安装和授权应用程序就可以享受额外的功能。 About Development Software of KNX 关于KNX的开发软件 KNX国...
ETS(工程工具软件)是唯一用于设计、运行和操作 KNX系统及其设备的软件,它独立于制造商并与所有 KNX官方登记、认证的产品兼容。除了ETS,KNX协会还为安装人员和开发人员提供额外的工具,以实现 KNX技术的普遍应用。对于KNX项目实施技术人员,协会提供了 ETS 应用程序,它允许扩展 ETS 程序的部分功能。对于开发者来说,协会...
If any other software (ETS, NodeRed, OpenHAB, etc.) is currently using one of those tunnels, we can't connect to that one at this time. Choosing that would lead the ConfigEntry to raise ConfigNotReady after a connection attempt, retrying until it is free again (default HA retry ...
Knx系统可以使用多种编程语言进行编程,其中最常用的是ETS(Engineering Tool Software)软件。ETS是一款专门为Knx系统开发的编程工具,它使用自己的编程语言和图形化界面,使得用户可以轻松地进行编程和配置。ETS支持拖拽式编程,只需将不同的组件拖放到画布上并连接起来,就可以实现各种自动化控制功能。
Fire up your ETS5 software again, and now all your KNX interface devices magically autodetect and work as expected. Win! The only other thing of operational consequence in terms of using VMWare Fusion to run the Windows instance you need is that you need to plug the ETS5 license dongle in...
Zusätzlich zum KNX-Basis- kurs werden weitere Spezialkurse angeboten, wie zum Beispiel «KNX-Diagnose/Fehlersuche» lehrt grundlegende Systemkenntnisse des KNX-Bussys- tems und der Engineering-Software ETS. Technischer Support Der technische Support bietet kompetente Bera- tung bei technischen ...
Create individually switches, sockets, KNX buttons, room controllers and more according to your ideas. The operating elements can be customised online with symbols, text or logos. JUNG Showrooms You have the opportunity of experiencing our products and building technology in showrooms & brand stores...
Be part of the KNX Community and enjoy all its benefits: One standard (ISO/IEC 14543), One software tool for commissioning (ETS), All Communication Media supported (IP,RF,TP,PL), All applications in home and building control, ranging from lighting and shutter control to security systems, HV...