KNX LED controller The KNX LED controllers are ideally suited to lighting in the home and control extra-low voltage LEDs without a transformer, such as LED strips. Read more Gateways Smart connection of different systems: the JUNG gateways link your KNX system with the world of Sonos and enabl...
RF connectivity RF KNX-TP KNX-RF S2-LP BlueNRG-2 RF KNX RF + BLE S2-LP STM32 RF KNX RF + STM32 TAPKO TAPKO 9 KNX TP solution - STKNX chipset STKNX transceiver device for KNX TP communication; small package and few external components enable the very compact KNX nodes 4x4 VQFNPN 24...
(pgslowbiathl, isnptoetg,reattce.d) aerleecatvroaniliacbsl,et,here Function overview asoremLeEdDimlammapbslceoanInntdrdoselloepmdeebnyndoaetn.nLtEDoudrtipveurtthcahtasnernveeslsas an electrical Integrated light controller IR Typ ps Type ChMbIaPnaroaoCnehtlanhiMlyoadeLbnalsEdo1tnDittdniiloeo...
Access to the KIMaip module from the application controller is achieved through the I2C bus. KIMaip consists of a microcontroller running the certified KNX communication stack (KAIstack) and the high-performance KNX interface to the KNX bus (KAIphys). This design enables direct use of the high...
HVAC RRV934 Multi-controller RRV934 2011/01 HVAC KRF960 RF adapter plugs, switching KRF960 2011/01 HVAC KRF961 RF adapter plugs, dimming KRF961 2011/01 HVAC WRI982 Consumption data interface WRI982S55621-H112 2011/01 HVAC AFK914/C01 Handheld control AFK914/C01S55621-H105-C901 2011/01 ...
KNX解決方案.PDF,The worldwide STANDARD for home and building control 家居和建築控制領域的國際標準 KNX members 318 manufacturers from 34 countries H b 3ATEL m G ambiHome comunicaciones I N T E L L I G E N T AU TO M AT I O N ™ YTE H DELTA DORE Deutsche
AQR2576K35Q/CH - Raumfühler UP CO₂/ %rF/ °C/ LED/ CH KNX Aufputz Raumsensoren ohne KNX Thermoantriebaktoren mit Raumtemperaturregler Antriebe mit KNX Antriebe ohne KNX Weitere Produkte Heizung, Lüftung und Klima - Primärregelung Modulares Installationssystem, Raumautomationsbox Gateways...
1 层次 功能 物理层 (Physical Layer) 定义TP0\TP1\PL110\PL132\RF\ IP 等多种逻辑信号传输要求 数据链路层 (Data Link Layer) KNX报文的逻辑链路控制 网络层 (Network Layer) 设置路由计数器,避免 KNX报文传输死循环 传输层 (Transport Layer) 设置KNX节点之间的通信方式 应用层 (Application Layer) 定义因...
It gets cosy completely automatically: as soon as the Samsung TV in the living room is switched on, it detects the JUNG KNX system. The KNX LED controller automatically dims the lighting in the living room to a comfortable brightness and nothing stands in the way of a film evening. ...
AQR2576K35Q/CH - Raumfühler UP CO₂/ %rF/ °C/ LED/ CH KNX Raumtemperaturregler mit integriertem Sensor und Bedienung Multifunktionsgeräte Raumthermostate Touch-Panels Visualisierung, Server Ausgabegeräte Eingabegeräte Kombinationsgeräte Beleuchtung Sonnenschutz, Blendschutz, Tageslichtnutz...