A NEW SEARCH ALGORITHM FOR MULTIFUNCTION PHASED ARRAY RADAR Reza Fatemi Mofrad KNT University of technology, Tehran, Iranwith minimum search load ( * SL ) in order to let radar system to manage References [1] A.Alexopoulos, "Radar Systems Considerations for Phased Array Aperture Design Using ...
2.The Joint Laboratory of Hydrometeorological Research of China Meteorological Administration and Hohai University,Beijing 100081) Abstract:A review of operational technology advances in meteorological early warning for flash flood disaster is presented with regional characteristics of torrential rain in China,...
菲力斯公寓(中山电子科技大学店) Felix Apartment (Zhongshan University of Electronic Technology) 菲力斯公寓(中山电子科技大学店),位于中山石岐区龙凤街4号,介于大信溢彩荟AB座中间位置,交通便捷,地处繁华,毗邻中山最繁华的石岐大信商圈,周边食市林立,风景名胜遍布。酒店以其明确的核心服务理念切入,注重住房感受,客...
高等院校 Washington University in St. Louis 3.9 989 条点评 查看公司 对比 slide2 of 5 電腦硬件 World Wide Technology 3.6 408 条点评 查看公司 对比 研究及發展 S&P Global 3.9 1596 条点评 | 6 个职位 查看公司 对比 銀行與貸款業務 Capital One 3.9 1.1万 条点评 查看公司 对比 企業諮詢 Accenture 4....
[7] 杨年华,张志毅,邓志勇,等.硬岩隧道快速掘进的钻爆技术.工程爆破,2003;9(1):16—21Yang Nianhua,Zhang Zhiyi,Deng Zhiyong,et al.Drilling-and-blasting technology for rapid excavation of hard-rock tunnels.Engineering Blasting,2003;9(1):16—21 ...
4 毕业于 Helsinki University of Technology 3 公司 神巴巴网络科技 查看更多 a 690关注 165.9万粉丝 14181微博 微关系 他的关注(637) 嘎嘎白羊 会员福利菌 锦鲤大王 一只小西测评 他的粉丝(165.9万) 芷瑜妈咪627 用户7939386917 5678abc- 孤傲百合 查看更多 a 文章 12星座的悟性如何?
Field evidences and theoretical analysis of the gravity-driven wetting front instability of water runoffs on concrete structures, Kuntz, M, Van Mier, J.G.M, Delft University of Technology, 1997Kuntz, M. & van Mier, J.G.M., 1997. Gravity-driven wetting front instability of ...