Knoxhad taken it on himself to choose the wine. 诺克斯擅自作主,选了葡萄酒。 柯林斯例句 Where Root had been suave,knoxwas often offensive. 鲁特表现得温和文雅, 诺克斯则往往唐突冒失. 辞典例句 Much bullion is stored in the vaults at FortKnox. ...
Knox is Samsung’s defense-grade mobile security platform built into our latest devices. It provides real-time device protection from the moment you turn it on
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一些政府为了安全起见 也把他们珍贵的历史文物存在诺克斯 因为毫无疑问 那里是地球上最安全的地方 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词knox的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Current Knox version 25.01 Subscribe / Manage SubscriptionSUBSCRIBE All Systems Operational Knox Asset Intelligence Knox Asset Intelligence admin portal - Americas Operational Knox Asset Intelligence admin portal - Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa ...
Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Samsung Knox kann Ihr Unternehmen Herausforderungen bewältigen und reibungslos umstellen. Mit Knox – unserer bewährten Sicherheitsbasis – und Knox Configure können Sie ganz einfach Tablets für Zeitungen erstellen,
Norman Knox, a respected grain farmer in Gilbert, recently learned that the owner of his rented land wants to build condos. 诺曼•诺克斯是吉尔伯特的一位德高望重的粮农,最近他得知,他租用的那块土地的主人想要建公寓楼。 8. The next day, Mr. Knox put the calendar on the shelf...
Samsung Knox套餐允许企业IT管理员专注于解决整个设备生命周期中的业务需求。为你的组织保护、部署和管理移动设备,以实现最大的控制和生产效率。 根据您的需求定制的设备 无论是定制、重组新增应用还是部署远程控制多用途的三星移动设备2,均由Samsung Knox服务为您实现。从交互式信息亭到数字品牌工具,Samsung Knox可以帮...
*Knox platform 3.2 received 27 of 30 “Strong” ratings in Gartner report. Gartner, Inc. Mobile OSs and Device Security: A Comparison of Platforms, Patrick Hevesi, May 6, 2019 Case Study Protecting the world’s history with Knox Meet the Pontifical Swiss Guard and discover how the Galaxy Ta...