The IG summary said that although the Marshals Service was giving known or suspected terrorists who participated in the WITSEC program and their dependents new names and identity documentation, the Justice Department “was not authorizing the disclosure to the Terrorist Screening ...
Other countries can use the INTERPOL mechanism to request and receive from or send to the Cuban authorities information on persons who are suspected of committing or known to have committed terrorist acts [...] 其他国家可利用国际刑警组织机制,就涉 嫌 实 施 或已 知实...
1. To be aware of someone or something.My car's been making a funny noise lately—do you know of a reputable mechanic I can take it to?A: "Have you gotten any strange phone calls recently?" B: "No, not that I know of. Why?" ...
1. To be aware of someone or something.My car's been making a funny noise lately—do you know of a reputable mechanic I can take it to?A: "Have you gotten any strange phone calls recently?" B: "No, not that I know of. Why?" ...
integrity concerns or known or suspected violation of the Code, Company policies and procedures, or applicable laws immediately. 立即上报任何有关诚信的疑虑或 已知或疑似违反守 则 、公司政策、程序或适用法律的情况。 The idea of poverty as a violation of hum...
Known or Suspected Terrorist known otherwise known our onions known our own mind known our own minds known own mind Known Point Known Problem Reports Known Promotion Potentia Known quantities Known quantities known quantity Known Reference Point Known Segment Table Known Shippable Known Shipper Management...
Related to Known quantities:unknown quantity (Math.)quantities whose values are given. See also:Quantity Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaste...
Al-Zawahri, on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list, had a $25 million bounty on his head for any information that could be used to kill or capture him. RELATED: Top al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri killed by US airstrike in Afghanistan Who is Ayman al-Zawahri? According to the ...
Define Known Nothing. Known Nothing synonyms, Known Nothing pronunciation, Known Nothing translation, English dictionary definition of Known Nothing. Noun 1. know nothing - an ignorant person ignoramus, uneducated person unskilled person - a person who l
Iraq war, also known as the Iraq war, is the United States because Iraq has weapons of mass destruction (suspected) launched all-out war, a total of 4 countries participate in combat, some critics believe that it can be seen as the second Gulf war, but the specific analysis would find ...