In order to evaluate VCounselor, this study compared the general large language model, the fine-tuned large language model, and VCounselor's knowledge-enhanced large language model. At the same time, the general large language model and the fine-tuned large language model will also be provided...
虽然三元组的类型在对齐过程中很重要,但语言化模型与类型无关,并将所有三元组视为相同的。 2.2 Model 我们对预训练的T5-large (Raffel et al., 2020)模型进行两步顺序微调,将三元组转换为文本。三元组被连接为subject,relation_1 object_1, ...relation_n object_n用于T5的输入。首先在对齐的语料库上对模型...
Despite the success of Large Language Models (LLMs) using in Automatic Program Repair (APR), they still have the limitations of generating patches with low accuracy and explainability. In this paper, we propose a software bug-fixing approach based on knowledge-enhanced large language models. ...
In this paper, taking into account the advantages of causal Scientology and the large language model (LLM), we propose an industrial structure causal knowledge-enhanced large language model for the cause analysis of quality defects in aerospace product manufacturing. To reinforce the causal ...
摘要原文 Large Language Models (LLMs) have been driving progress in AI at an unprecedented rate, yet still face challenges in knowledge-intensive domains like biomedicine. Solutions such as pre-training and domain-specific fine-tuning add substantial computational overhead, and the latter require dom...
would be difficult to unleash the potential of deep learning. However, with the emergence ofself-supervised learning, big language models such as BERT [3] can learn a lot of knowledge from large-scale unlabeled text data by predicting tokens that have been covered up in advance. Thus they ...
Recently, benefiting from the emergent world knowledge of the large language model, efficient acquisition of common sense has become possible. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge-based recommendation framework incorporating common sense, CSRec, which can be flexibly coupled to existing ...
large language model agents would, therefore, act only on the basic descriptions and past interactions of the users without having the needed depth for interpreting and reasoning in user preferences. This restriction to limited ration...
The KAG framework includes three parts: kg-builder, kg-solver, and kag-model. This release only involves the first two parts, kag-model will be gradually open source release in the future. kg-builder implements a knowledge representation that is friendly to large-scale language models (LLM)....
1 概览 HTML, arXiv, Github, bilibili. 2023-07-23. (AI4Med Series) Knowledge-enhanced Multimodal Foundation Model in Medicine Abstract: While multi-modal foundation models pre-trained on large-scale …