1. Types of knowledge Explicit Explicit knowledge is knowledge that can be readily articulated, codified, stored, and accessed. What you find in your enterprise knowledge base is mostly explicit knowledge. It can be a knowledge article, PDF, blogpost, video, user’s guide. Expertise that your...
knowledge.There is a trend that the practice of knowledge management merging tacit and explicit knowledge man- agement.The conversion of knowledges is a four- stages interaction process of this two types of knowledge.There are four types of ba providing the platform for knowledge management.关键...
Types of knowledge management Knowledge is one of your organization’s most valuable assets. Storing, growing, and sharing that knowledge is critical to any enterprise. When looking at it from this perspective, knowledge management's meaning includes the process that helps you acquire, organize, and...
In this article we argue that, to date, the knowledge management literature has insufficiently addressed the construct of power. The power literature is reviewed using three categories: power-as-entity, power-as-strategy and power-is-knowledge. We find that much of the knowledge management ...
知识管理是跨组织甚至跨行业创建、管理、共享、使用和管理知识的过程。 ITIL 4解释说,“知识管理旨在确保利益相关者根据他们的访问级别和其他相关政策,在合适的级别、合适的时间以合适的格式获得合适的信息。这需要获取知识的程序,包括非结构化知识的开发,获取和获益,无论是正式的,有记录的知识还是非正式的隐性知识。
Types of knowledge The definition of knowledge management also includes three types of knowledge—tacit, implicit, and explicit knowledge. These types of knowledge are largely distinguished by the codification of the information. Tacit knowledge: This type of knowledge is typically acquired through expe...
KnowledgeManagement可以定义为资料收集、组织内知识的分享与共用、与管理资讯系统(MIS)、流程管理及学习经验等的整合。知识管理主要应用在解决突然发生的状况及渐渐加快的趋势。 知识管理并不应被狭义地看待。它涉及了许多的相关研究领域。诸如它可以和学习、创新、教育、记忆、文化、人力资源管理、心理科学、脑科学、...
ITIL 4解释说,“知识管理旨在确保利益相关者根据他们的访问级别和其他相关政策,在合适的级别、合适的时间以合适的格式获得合适的信息。这需要获取知识的程序,包括非结构化知识的开发,获取和获益,无论是正式的,有记录的知识还是非正式的隐性知识。” (ITIL 4,5.1.4,Knowledge management)。知识库...