Knowledge Graph Embedding当KGE训练完成时, 实体和关系的表示将会固定下来, 这样才能保存住KG的信息. 若继续在后续训练时更新Embedding, 将会对原有信息扰动. 所以KGE只是做了空间指示作用.Neural Network Based Predicate Representation Learning有了KGE中获取的 P, E, 接着需要将自然语言中的谓词表示(在三元组中也...
3 KNOWLEDGE EMBEDDING BASED QA-KG 3.1 Knowledge Graph Embedding 3.2 Predicate and Head Entity Learning Models 3.3 Head Entity Detection Model 3.4 Joint Search on Embedding Spaces 4 EXPERIMENTS 5 RELATEDWORK 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTUREWORK ABSTRACT 基于知识图谱的问答致力于使用知识图谱中的事实回答自然语言问...
Simple Question:If a natural language question only involves a single head entity and a single predicate in the knowledge graph, and takes their tail entity/entities as the answer, then this question is referred as a simple question (只有一个主语,一个谓语的问题) 下列概念均来自[2]:基于知识图...
Paper:Temporal knowledge graph question answering via subgraph reasoning Github: GitHub - czy1999/SubGTR: Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering via Subgraph TL;DR: 本文提出了一个基于子图推理的时序知识图谱问答(TKGQA)模型SubGTR以及一个改进的数据集Complex-Cron...
In this work, we present a proof-of-concept design for a financial knowledge graph and with it a semantic question answering framework specifically targeted for the finance domain. Our implemented approach uses a span-based joint entity and relation extraction model with BERT embeddings to translate...
D2R: database to RDF (三元组 triple based assertion model) 知识表示 用计算机符号表示人脑中的知识,以及通过符号之间的运算来模拟人脑的推理过程。最早是基于数理逻辑,现在是基于向量空间学习的分布式知识表示 三元组主谓宾RDF RDF Graph RDFS在RDF的基础上增加词汇量,增加约束 ...
Question routingKnowledge graphEmbeddingCommunity-based question answering (CQA) such as Stack Overflow and Quora face the challenge of providing unsolved questions with high expertise users to obtain high quality answers, which is called question routing. Many existing methods try to tackle this by ...
based on the parsed results of the question, we constructed knowledge graph query statements, executed by the Cypher language, and the processed query results were fed back to the users in natural language. Through system implementation and testing, multiple indices including system response time, st...
1questionAnsweringsystemQuestionAnsweringSystem是一个Java实现的人机问答系统,能够自动分析问题并给出候选答案。 2QABasedOnMedicaKnowledgeGraph从无到有搭建一个以疾病为中心的一定规模医药领域知识图谱,并以该知识图谱完成自动问答与分析服务。python 3DeepPavlovAn open source library for deep learning end-to-end dia...
semantic parsing based / retrieval based Variational Reasoning Network, Key-Value Memory Network and Graph Convolution Network. extra corpus / knowledge graph embedding Multi-hop Reasoning decompose complex queries into several 1-hop recurrent Memory, Attention, and Composition (MAC) cell ...