In this paper, we model separated session sequences into session graphs and capture complex transitions using graph neural networks (GNNs). We further link items in interaction sequences with existing external knowledge base (KB) entities and integrate the GNN-based recommender with key-val...
: 传统同构图(Homogeneous Graph)数据中只存在一种节点和边,因此在构建图神经网络时所有节点共享同样的模型参数并且拥有同样维度的特征空间。 什么是异构图?: 异构图(Heterogeneous Graph)中可以存在不只一种节点和边,因此允许不同类型的节点拥有不同维度的特征或属性。) 2.2 Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs 基于...
ICLR2021| EXPRESSIVE POWER OF INVARIANT AND EQUIVARIANT GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS 论文标题:EXPRESSIVE POWER OF INVARIANT AND EQUIVARIANT GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS论文地址:代码地址:… Houye发表于Houye... 论文笔记:WWW'21 Graph ... 【Max Welling】图神经网络知识表示与推荐,Graph Neural Networks for Knowledge Representation and Recommendation 图神经网络资料: 推荐系统: 科技 计算机技术 ...
Dialogue State Tracking with GPT-2 and Graph Neural Networks 本文采用三步法将 GNNs 合并到 GPT- 2 中进行对话状态跟踪(见上图)。在每个回合中,我们首先用 GPT- 2 和对话历史为实体中可能的域槽对和值生成特征。然后,这些特征被输入一个 GAT,它捕获域槽和值之间的关系。最后,将在 GAT 的输出层产生...
To address these problems, we propose a novel Knowledge graph enhanced Neural Collaborative Recommendation (K-NCR) framework, which effectively combines user–item interaction information and auxiliary knowledge information for recommendation task into three parts: (1) For items, the proposed propagating ...
c, Prompt-enhanced fine-tuning. We leverage functional group knowledge of ElementKG to generate a corresponding functional prompt for each molecule, stimulating the pre-trained graph encoder to recall the learned molecular property-related knowledge and bridging the gap between the pre-training ...
Abstract. Knowledge graph (KG) is introduced as side information into recommender systems, which can alleviate the sparsity and cold start problems in coll
In this work, we propose a knowledge-enhanced recommendation method using graph neural networks and memory networks to tackle the sequential recommendation task and overcome the limitations mentioned above. This consists of a current interest component (i.e., sequential preference) and a global interes...
论文传送门王鸿伟 - Knowledge Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems_哔哩哔哩_bilibili首先介绍一下什么是推荐系统,什么是知识图谱,再介绍为什么要将二者做一个结合,之后再提出模型KGNN-LS,最后介…