这一领域自1987年起,通过创刊《Knowledge-Based Systems》这一国际期刊,得到了广泛的研究和发展。该期刊(ISSN:0950-7051,eISSN:1872-7409)作为人工智能领域的权威期刊之一,不仅提供了丰富的学术资源,还推动了基于知识的系统技术的不断进步。其官网https://www.sciencedirect.com/j...
Knowledge-based Systemsis an international and interdisciplinary journal in the field of artificial intelligence. The journal will publish original, innovative and creative research results in the field, and is designed to focus on research in knowledge-based and other artificial intelligence … ...
Knowledge-Based Systems is an international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal. This journal focuses on systems that use knowledge-based (KB) techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action; emphases the practical significance of such KB-systems; its computer development...
Knowledge-Based Systems is an international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal. This journal focuses on systems that use knowledge-based (KB) techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action; emphases the practical significance of such KB-systems; its computer development...
Knowledge-Based Systems is an international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal. This journal focuses on systems that use knowledge-based (KB) techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action; emphases the practical significance of such KB-systems; its computer development...
期刊全称:Knowledge-Based Systems 期刊ISSN:0950-7051 最新影响因子:7.2 中科院SCI期刊分区:大类:计算机科学 1区 小类:人工智能 2区 以上信息显示,《Knowledge-Based Systems》在学术界具有显著的影响力,是人工智能与基于知识的系统研究领域内的佼佼者。期刊网址:https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/...
出版信息 出版商: Elsevier B.V.,出版周期: Bimonthly,期刊类型: journal,开源期刊: 否 基本数据 创刊年份: 1987,原创研究文献占比: 100.00%,自引率:9.70%, Gold OA占比: 8.59% 平均审稿周期 网友分享经验:平均7.8个月 平均录用比例 网友分享经验:85% ...
《Knowledge-Based Systems》为混合OA,选择非OA没有版面费。选择OA方式,版面费为长文3130美元,短文670美元。 3、官网地址 期刊官方网址: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/knowledge-based-systems/ 期刊投稿地址: https://www2.cloud.editorialmanager.com/knosys/default2.aspx ...
and to encourage new development and implementation of knowledge-based intelligence models, methods, systems, and software tools, with applications in business, government, education, engineering and healthcare. This journal's current leading topics are but not limited to: Machine learning theory, metho...