网络释义 1. 知识为本的专家系统 电脑名词... ... knowledge based consultation system 知识为本的谘询系统knowledge based expert system 知识为本的专…|基于2个网页 2. 知识为本的谘询系统 Download It - 国立编译馆-... ... 知识库系统 knowledge base system知识为本的谘询系统knowled...
PURPOSE:To ensure and facilitate the generation and alteration of a knowledge base by executing an interactive processing which automatically generates and alters the slot value of an object related to the generation and alteration of the knowledge base of object directivity, as well. CONSTITUTION:The...
knowledge based system 知识库系统(=KBS)用来在多样的计算环境下储存、检索并且分析大量的数据的软件系统。知识库系统使用“若…则…”的规则去增加信息处理的知识,同时简化并提升了程序,例如生产日程规划、产品设计、预报、数 knowledge based expert system 【计】 基于知识的专家系统 interactive knowledge based ...
(Bodjanova, 2005; Saneifard and Saneifard, 2012). From then on, for each of the four major components of the system, all propositions included in the tables become the rules of the knowledge base that the expert system’s inference engine connects with the communal data—facts base—to ...
repository known as aknowledge baseto provide problem-solving. Knowledge-based systems are a form of artificial intelligence (AI) designed to capture the knowledge of human experts to support decision-making. Anexpert systemis an example of a knowledge-based system because it relies on human ...
Describes the expert system design program (ESDP) which can recommend slurry designs for primary well cementing jobs. A database contains information on available cements and additives, well conditions and other important data. Basic well parameters are entered and the ESDP lists cements and additives...
The development of a knowledge base for a significant expert system was a very time-consuming and expensive process—just the opportunity costs of having a world-class human expert focus on the development of software, rather than on using his or her expertise to focus on problems the company ...
这些外壳是空的Expert System知识库,其结构和接口已经为我们编写。 我们需要做的就是将知识添加到知识库中。 为了解决这个问题,我们将使用一个小的Expert System外壳来设计和实现一个Expert系统,而不是从头开始编写Expert System。 我们使用PyKnow框架来构建相关的专家系统。 配套使用 皮诺 主意 印度许多农村地区获得...
Such knowledge-based and expert systems have been extensively used in various domains like chemistry, medicine, geology, etc. The basic idea in these systems is to clearly distinguish between the knowledge base which usually incorporates rules and meta-rules about the domain of expertise and the ...