TOK里总结出8大要素,也就是Ways of Knowing:认知方式。 它们分别是: 1. Language:语言 2. Perception:感知 3. Reason:推理 4. Intuition:直觉 5. Memory:记忆 6. Emotion:情感 7. Imagination:想像 8. Faith:信仰 回到之前的例子: 1.我知道Neil Armstrong1969年登上了月球。 因为书上这么写的,报纸...
TOK给了学生四个工具分析自己获得的知识,叫做Ways of Knowing:语言 Language:书本上说的,电视上说的...
TOK全称为Theory of Knowledge,即“知识理论”,或“认识论”。被公认为IB的核心课程,因为TOK得分过低...
Select a language: epistemology [ɪˌpɪstəˈmɒlədʒɪ]N→epistemologíaf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
We survey in this paper Tower of Knowledge (ToK) approaches, which take advantage of human language, for scene interpretation. The core of ToK approaches is a multi-layer architecture, namely ToK architecture, aiming to establish the information flow of scene interpretation. In general, ToK ...
optional theme or the core theme, the question of the “methodology of the field” does not apply, since there is no “field” to which “Knowledge and Language” or “Knowledge and Indigenous Societies”, or “Knowledge and the Knower” applies, at least in the context of the TOK course...
Section three of the TOK textbook investigates the four ways of knowing: perception, reason, emotion, and language. Students explore how these ways of knowing shape our understanding of the world and impact the acquisition of knowledge. They critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each ...
Large language model (LLM) has achieved outstanding performance on various downstream tasks with its powerful natural language understanding and zero-shot capability, but LLM still suffers from knowledge limitation. Especially in scenarios that require long logical chains or complex reasoning, the hallucina...
The inclusion criteria for targeted videos were: 1) videos in the Chinese and English language only; 2) videos reporting any aspect of Probiotics, but not limited to definition, application, personal experience, product evaluation, beneficial or side effects. The exclusion criteria of videos were:...
Natural language understanding and generation. Some ongoing works areTegTok(opens in new tab),PCL(opens in new tab),Multilingual Question Answering(opens in new tab),MGRC(opens in new tab), etc. Neural symbolic computing. We are developing next-generation architectures to bridge gap between neura...