牛津译林版九年级英语上册9a unit 1 know yourself 单元知识归纳.pdf,9A Unit 1 Know yourself 一、重点词汇 单词 creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的 curious adj.好奇的 energetic adj.精力充沛的 modest adj.谦虚的 organized( also organised) adj.有条理的;有效率的 o
17.Inwesterncountries,ayearisdividedintoacycleof12starsigns.17.在西方,一年被分成12个星座的一个循 环。 18.It’syouwhoshapeyourlifeandyourfuture18.你的生活和将来都掌握在你的手中。(强调句 型) 19.--What’syouranimalsigh?--MyanimalsignistheTiger.19.你属什么的?我属 虎。 20.It’ssaidthatpeo...
2Whatdoyouthinkofanimalsigns? Step4Actandpractice Getstudentstoreadandactthedialogueout.Thenaskthemtomakeup theirowndialogue. Step5Explanation 1it’syouwhoshapeyourlifeandyourfuture. 2That’snotthecase. 3itsayswhatitsaysit’ssaid 4believebelievein ...
Do not charge your device in wet conditions. Visit https:// www.hihonor.com/global/support/ for detailed description of this function. Potentially Explosive Atmosphere Power off your device in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, and comply with all signs and instructions. Areas that...
Signs 12 yearof birth 12years fixed Star Signs 12 dateof birth 1year fixed Thedifferencesbetweenanimalsignsandstarsigns Doyouknowwhatdecidesyourpersonality? IntheChineselunarcalendar,thereare12animalsigns.Somepeople believethatpeoplebornunderthesame(1)animalsignmayhavesimilarpersonalities.Forexample,theythink...
Learn how to identify if your iPhone is being monitored. Find helpful solutions to keep your device secure from unwanted tracking.
However, the situation over the last decade is showing signs of improvement and the openness of the people and the ambitions of the companies are attracting more and more organizations to outsource their business processes to India. China: This communist nation is slowly becoming the true owner ...
Slight engagement of the abdominal muscles helps to protect the lower back and offer stability while seated. Ensuring your shoulders are relaxed can help to reduce tension in the head and neck area. As always, proper strengthening and stretching of these muscles helps to minimize the risk of ...
From the essential to the amusing, you'll learn: - Signs of dehydration- 10 ways to keep your dog slim- How to give artificial respiration to your dog- What percentage of owners sign their pets' names on greeting cards- Stories of canine heroics- A profile of presidential pooches- The ...
5)WhatdoesMilliethinkoftherelationshipbetweenanimalsignsandpersonalities? 2。帮助学生复习born、brave、insomeways、that’snotthecase、gentle、believein等,为学生学习对话扫除词汇障碍。 3.再放一遍录音,让学生跟读,然后让几组不同层次的学生分角色朗读。 Step2Activity 1。学生两人一组操练对话,要求学生模仿B部分对...