A knot is a unit of speed that is equal to to one nautical mile per hour. A nautical mile is based on the circumference of the Earth and is used by sea and air navigators. It is approximately one minute of arc measured along any meridian. The symbol for knot is kn. ...
12.(Units) a unit of speed used by nautical vessels and aircraft, being one nautical mile (about 1.15 statute miles or 1.85 km) per hour 13.(Nautical Terms) one of a number of equally spaced knots on a log line used to indicate the speed of a ship in nautical miles per hour ...
unit of speed With a speed of five knots, it'll take days. 以5 節的 船速 回去 要 好多天 wiki 不太频繁的翻译 繩結 节 群 打结 海里 绳结 结点 缬 包扎 纇 纥 困難 困难 打 打个结 打個結 結knot 打結 扣 套 疙瘩 缠结 綁 纈 节疤 䋑 䙌 䙡 疤 癥結 硬节 紇 紐 締 縺 繨...
可数名词 A knot is a unit of speed. The speed of ships, aircraft, and wind is measured in knots. 节 (航速和风速单位) They travel at speeds of up to 30 knots. 他们以高达30节的航速行进。 9 名词a small northern sandpiper, Calidris canutus, with a short bill and grey plumage 矶鹞 英...
Convert knots (kn) to another unit of speed such as mach number, speed of sound, or speed of light, and see the conversion formulas.
The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, which is equal to exactly 1.852 km/h and approximately 1.151 mph. The abbreviation kn is preferred by members of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), which includes all major seafaring nations. However, the ...
a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile or about 1.15 statute miles per hour. a unit of 47 feet 3 inches (13.79 meters) on a logline, marked off by knots. a nautical mile. a bond or tie: the knot of matrimony. Also calledjoint,node.Mathematics.in interpolation, one of the poin...
As of Version 9.0, unit functionality is built into the Wolfram Language » Knot is a unit of speed.更多信息和选项 参见 Meter Second NauticalMile Hour技术笔记 Units Package 相关指南Units Package 意见反馈顶部 程序员指南 入门书籍 Wolfram 函数知识库 | Wolfram 数据存储库 | Wolfram Data Drop...
Naval Termsa unit of speed equal to one nautical mile or about 1.15 statute miles per hour. Naval Termsa nautical mile. a bond or tie:the knot of matrimony. v. to (cause to) become tied or tangled in a knot: [~ + object]He knotted the rope.[no object]The rope is too wet to...