This article is an introduction to relationships between knot theory and theo- retical physics. We give an exposition of the theory of polynomial invariants of knots and links, the Witten functional integral formulation of knot and link invariants, and the beginnings of topological quantum field ...
Knot Theory and Physics 来自 Elsevier 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: LH Kauffman 摘要: This article is an introduction to relationships between knot theory and theo- retical physics. We give an exposition of the theory of polynomial invariants of knots and links, the Witten functional integral ...
Summary: Knot theory emerged in the nineteenth century for needs of physics and chemistry as these needs were understood those days. After that the interest of physicists and chemists was lost for about a century. Nowadays knot theory has made a comeback. Knot theory and other areas of topolog...
stands at a crossroads of topology, combinatorics, algebra, mathematical physics and biochemistry. The key features include: survey of mathematical knot theory; articles by leading world authorities; clear exposition, not over-technical; and accessible to readers with undergraduate background in ...
题目:复旦理论物理报告会|Knot theory of non-Hermitian bands and exceptional points 报告人:胡海平 研究员 中国科学院物理所 时间:2022年4月29日(周五)9:30 主办方:复旦大学物理系 报告摘要:Non-Hermitian (NH) physics has emerged as an interdisciplinary research area during the past several years, fuel...
Over the last fifteen years, the face of knot theory has changed due to various new theories and invariants coming from physics, topology, combinatorics and alge-bra. It suffices to mention the great progress in knot homology theory (Khovanov homology and Ozsvath-Szabo Heegaard-Floer homology)...
Over the past 20-30 years, knot theory has rekindled its historic ties with biology, chemistry, and physics as a means of creating more sophisticated descriptions of the entanglements and properties of natural phenomena--from strings to organic compounds to DNA.This volume is based on the 2008...
Knot theory and quantum gravity in loop space a primer 14人下载 热门下载 参考文献 引证文献The geometry and physics of knots Deals with an area of research that lies at the crossroads of mathematics and physics. The material presented here rests primarily on the pioneering work o... ...
Its lack of completeness is now more apparent than ever since, like most branches of mathematics, knot theory has expanded enormously during the last fifteen years. The book could certainly be rewritten by including more material and also by introducing topics in a more elegant and up-to-date ...