anMD5sum-generating program takes yourKnoppix ISO file and creates a fingerprint that only that one file is capable of making. Changing even a single bit affects theMD5sum; therefore, if any error occurs during the download process, the generated sum is different from the one listed on the mir...
You are prompted to create partitions for Knoppix to install to. The entire hard drive is filled with a single Windows partition, so you have no free space to create a partition. Luckily, you can resize your Windows partition withqtparted, which can resize both FAT32 and NTFS partitions. ...
You need the latest English version which is available as an ISO image file – the file is large (approx 700MB) so may take quite a long time to download. You can do this in 2 ways: If you have a Bittorrent program installed you can download the ISO file in a torrent fromherewhich...