Otherwise, the American Knock-Out Option shall operate in the manner of a normal vanilla option. bank.hangseng.com 否則期 權將如一般期 權般運作。 bank.hangseng.com However, the option can be terminated at any time if the knock-out level trades. bank.hangseng.com 但是, 在觀察期內...
knock-out option是什么意思及反义词 沪江词库精选knock-out option是什么意思、英语单词推荐 出局选择权 为了降低权利金(*premium)的成本,若标的物价格跌至某一水准,则买权权利将自动消失。或是买入卖权者当标的物持续上涨价格,则不需避险,故权利将自动消灭。若选择权包含此种条款则权利金会较便宜。
Google Share on Facebook knock out (redirected fromKnock-out option) Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Related to Knock-out option:Barrier options,Up and Out Option knock (nŏk) v.knocked,knock·ing,knocks v.tr. 1.To strike with a hard blow:knocked him on the head. ...
敲出期权(Knock-Out Option)是一种路径依赖期权,当标的资产的价格触及或超过敲出价时,期权将被提前...
knock-out option是敲出期权的意思,即敲出障碍期权,当标的资产价格达到一个特定障碍水平时,期权自动作废,称具有这一特征的期权为敲出障碍期权。 knock-out option(敲出期权)分类: 下敲出期权 前者即下降出具期权 一个下降出具期权就是一种障碍期权,它在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效。 上敲出期权 后...
今天我们来讲一讲鲨鱼鳍期权(Shark Option)。 鲨鱼鳍期权又称为敲出期权(knock-out options),属于障碍期权(barrier options)的一种,另一种则是敲入期权(knock-inoptions)。这两天有网友问,什么是敲出,什么又是敲入?其实很简单,敲出就是合约失效了,敲入则是合约生效了。所谓的敲出价格和敲入价格(也可以称之为障...
knockout option.A definition for the term "knockout option," is presented. It refers to an option to which a condition relating to the underlying security's or commodity's present price is attached so that it effectively expires when it goes out of the money....
Recommendation 3: Use a knock-in/knock-out option to receive an all-or-none asymmetric payoff when the exchange rate touches a pre-specified level. Which of Weismann’s recommendations is most likely correct? 选项:A. Recommendation 1B. ...
With a barrier option, the payoff depends on whether the underlying asset reaches or exceeds a predetermined price or barrier.
A knock-out option is a type ofbarrier option. Barrier options are typically classified as either knock-out or knock-in. A knock-out option ceases to exist if the underlying asset reaches a predetermined barrier during its life. A knock-in option is effectively the opposite of the knock-out...