name drops [ name-drop ]的第三人称单数;[ name-dropping ]的第三人称单数 eye drops 滴眼液 knock down and drag out a. 激烈而无情的 knock down drag out a. 【美】(手段等)激烈的;猛烈的 knock n. 1.短促的敲打(声) 2.爆震声 3.敲击声;敲门(或窗等)声 v.[I,T] 1.敲,击,打 v...
英语解释 chloral hydrate in combination with alcohol; usually administered surreptitiously to make the drinker unconscious 相似短语 knockout drops迷药,蒙汗药 in dropsn. 一点一滴地 eye drops of penicillin青霉素滴眼剂 gum drops橡皮糖 shoulder drops肩垂病,肩下垂 ...
knock-out drops 英文knock-out drops 中文【医】 水合氯醛滴剂
Define knockout drops. knockout drops synonyms, knockout drops pronunciation, knockout drops translation, English dictionary definition of knockout drops. pl n slang a drug secretly put into someone's drink to cause stupefaction. See also Mickey Finn Col
plural of [i]knockout drop[/i] [..] + Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 强麻醉药 noun Open Multilingual Wordnet 蒙汗药 noun Open Multilingual Wordnet Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "knockout drops" into Chinese error Try again Glosbe Translate...
gorgeous的意思是“华丽的、灿烂的,极好的”,drop-dead gorgeous意思是指“极其动人的”,就是把人美呆了的那种。 例句: We met at the coffee shop, and she looked drop-dead gorgeous. 我们在咖啡厅见面,她看起来真是美呆了。 6、heavenly beauty heaven是“天堂”的意思,heavenly beauty就是那种“美到天...
Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Mickey Finn Facebook Twitter Feedback Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. ...
drop-dead fair fetching good good-looking goodly gorgeous handsome likely lovely lovesome pretty ravishing seemly sightly stunning taking well-favored Verb break burn out bust do in do up drain exhaust fag fatigue frazzle harass kill outwear ...
drop-dead flawless good-looking comely glorious fetching esthetic magnificent taking hot fascinating fair superb aesthetical seemly exquisite goodly appealing lovesome desirable bonny glamorous esthetical delicate sublime well-favored bonnie splendid pleasant cunning ...
Knockout对下拉菜单drop-down list绑定有一个特殊的支持,那就是在读取和写入绑定的时候,这个值可以是任意JavaScript对象,而不必非得是字符串。在你让你用户选择一组model对象的时候非常有用。具体例子,参考options绑定。 类似,如果你想创建一个multi-select list,参考selectedOptions绑定。