而另一种说法是,古代有人迷信地认为木头里有专门破坏别人好事的神灵,如果你说了knock on wood,神灵就听不见你说的话,也就无法破坏你的好事了。 英语中关于“wood”的表达也有很多,接下来我们就来一起学习吧! 02 “wood”相关英语表达 ①a...
而另一种说法是,古代有人迷信地认为木头里有专门破坏别人好事的神灵,如果你说了knock on wood,神灵就听不见你说的话,也就无法破坏你的好事了。 英语中关于“wood”的表达也有很多,接下来我们就来一起学习吧! 02.“wood”相关英语表达 ①a babe in the woods 这里的woods是树林的意思,在树林中的小婴儿指的...
a babe in the woods里的woods是树林的意思,在树林中的小婴儿指的就是“在某一领域一窍不通,没有经验,什么也不懂的人”。这个用语来自1595年一首很流行的诗歌"the Children Of The Wood"(“树林的孩子们”)。诗里写的是两个孤儿被遗弃在森林里的故事,指的是一个年轻、无知、易受伤害的人处于陌生或...
意思是:脱离险境(或困境) 例句: The project has been given funding for another year, but it’snot out of the woodsyet. 这个项目又获得了一年的资金,但仍未摆脱困境。 wookblock 意思是:木刻印版 例句: She designs her o...
Knock是敲,wood是木头, 但 knock on wood可不仅仅是“敲木头”那么简单!我们先来看看它的英文释义:▼翻译成中文的意思是:为了避免厄运,无论是当你提到过去拥有的好运气,还是当你提到对未来的希望时,都应该这么说。当然,许多人会选择直接敲两下离自己最近的木制品,而不是把knock on wood说出口,你可以把它理解...
knock on wood 读音:美英 knock on wood基本解释 敲木头;敲敲木头;吉人天相;敲木桌;祈祷好运 分词解释 knock短促的敲打(声) wood木材
knock on woods take no offense at a child´s babble take no offense at a child´s babble children say what they like. children and fools speak the truth. children say what they like take no offense at child´s babble children and fools speak the truth 童言无忌汉英翻译 take no off...
Spider was getting ready for his dinner one day when he heard a knock on the door."Hello," said Turtle. "I see you are cooking.""Yes," said Spider."May I join you?" asked Turtle. "I am very hun-gry."Spider wanted to eat all the food himself. Suddenly an ide a came to him...
Knock on Woods: The Last American Man.T, J
It's what you want: ++In a while there was another knock on the door. "I felt terrible with the smell from th food, "the lawyer said in an angry way."I'll sleep in the barn, " said the musician.Thirty minutes later, came another knock. When they opened the door, there stood ...