The controversy died when the airport became a commercial success. Knock has now become one of the building blocks of Marian theology in the Roman Catholic Church. It is often compared to the apparition at Pontmain, France, which occurred in 1871, as both occurred in the evening with no ...
seen by many as a boondoggle created to serve pilgrims. The controversy died when the airport became a commercial success. Knock has now become one of the building blocks of Marian theology in the Roman Catholic Church. It is often compared to the apparition at Pontmain, France, which occurr...
Horan’s efforts stirred a major controversy when he secured government funds to have an airport built near Knock, seen by many as a boondoggle created to serve pilgrims. The controversy died when the airport became a commercial success. Knock has now become one of the building blocks of Mari...
Horan’s efforts stirred a major controversy when he secured government funds to have an airport built near Knock, seen by many as a boondoggle created to serve pilgrims. The controversy died when the airport became a commercial success. Knock has now become one of the building blocks of Mari...
Horan’seffortsstirredamajorcontroversywhenhesecuredgovernmentfundstohaveanairportbuiltnearKnock,seenbymanyas aboondogglecreatedtoservepilgrims.Thecontroversydiedwhentheairportbecameacommercialsuccess.KnockhasnowbecomeoneofthebuildingblocksofMariantheologyintheRomanCatholicChurch.It isoftencomparedtotheapparitionatPontmai...