I present them in a way that summarizes Kmecl's innovations in literary-historical writing, while at the same time recreating the experiences of a student on the path of becoming a professional reader. The discussions on the rise of the Slovenian bourgeoisie and fictional storytelling in the ...
定了!2024年高考时间公布 日前,教育部印发《关于做好2024年普通高校招生工作的通知》(下称《通知》),对2024年普通高校招生工作作出部署。根据《通知》,2024年高考全国统考将于6月7日、8日举行。
PUBLICITYThe paper analyses various contexts of exercising publicity and personal data protection in the land registration system. This article follows up on an earlier paper that discussed personal data protection in the context of the functions of land registers and approaches the problem in...