"Knives Out," directed by Rian Johnson, is a refreshing take on the classic murder mystery genre that masterfully combines wit, style, and social commentary. From the moment the film begins, viewers are drawn into the intricately woven tale of the Thrombey family, who gather to celebrate the...
1/4/2025 by Ray Richmond Gold Derby George Lucas (I) “It’s a really f**king hard job…”: Cynthia Erivo Will Raise Hell if Ariana Grande Doesn’t Win the Oscar but Zoe Saldaña May Ruin Wicked’s Parade 1/3/2025 by Nishanth A ...
“Knives out was inspired by one of my earliest memories, of seeing Agatha Christie novels on my parents’ bookshelves. It’s kind of a deep, primary memory, because those covers always looked vaguely scary, and that’s something that always stuck with me. When I was older, I moved on ...
One of the most compelling aspects ofKnives Outis its awareness of murder mystery tropes, using them to mislead the audience. Instead of copying tradition,Knives Outcleverly acknowledges it through the use of Easter eggs and references to other detective stories and films that are woven throughout...
Propelled by favorable critical response and audience love, Lionsgate’s Knives Out, a murder mystery directed by Rian Johnson, launched ahead of expectations, securing second place with $27 million over the weekend from 3,391 theaters and $41.7 million between Wednesday and Sunday. The...
Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned murder mystery? The new Rian Johnson movieKNIVES OUTis exactly that, featuring a stellar cast that includes Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Lakeith Stanfield, Michael Shannon, Ana de Armas, Don Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette, Jaeden Martell, Katherin...
Knives OutEarns Director Rian Johnson Forgiveness. Right off the bat, the one thing that I absolutely adored aboutKnives Outis that it revived the classic murder mystery genre. Sure, there are plenty of movies where a cop has to hunt down a killer, but it’s rare these days to see those...
These are the circumstances into which Rian Johnson now releases Knives Out, his star-studded murder mystery and the “one-for-them, one-for-me” rest stop between billion-dollar Star Wars entries. The difference between Johnson and many of his peers, though, is that his “smaller, personal...
Get ready to vote for the sharpest quotes from 'Knives Out.' This murder-mystery movie is full of witty dialogue and unforgettable characters. Join over 200 ...
For more of what we know aboutKnives Out, be sure to get caught up with some of our previous write-ups linked below: Jamie Lee Curtis Joins Rian Johnson’s Star-Studded ‘Knives Out’ Lakeith Stanfield Joins Rian Johnson’s Murder Mystery, ‘Knives Out’ ...