How to Knit the KFB Increase By: Heidi Gustad for allfreeknitting.comIn this video tutorial, Heidi Gustad teaches you how to master the knit front back increase, also known as KFB. The KFB increase is one of the most common increases you come across in knitting. A KFB increase is ...
The "knit front and back" (KFB) increase is easy to do, but it leaves a tiny bar across the front of the knitting. There are lots of ways to increase that don't leave a bar, but I learned about one recently that surprised me with its simplicity. It's closely related to the KFB,...
You now have one stitch on the right-hand needle and the old stitch still on the left-hand needle. To finish the increase, knit into the back of the old stitch on the left-hand needle. This stitch is made in exactly the same way you'd make a stitch on the front part of the loop...
The yoke of the Flax sweater is created by increasing (using a ‘knit front and back’ increase, or akfb) at 8 points on the sweater, 2 stitches increased on each sleeve and 2 stitches increased on the front and the back. You will be increasing on either side of the 4 raglan markers...
Yarn Cakes: What They Are and How to Use Them How to Calculate Yarn Yardage for Knitting or Crochet How to Knit Front and Back (KFB / K1FB Increase) How to P2TOG (Purl 2 Together) in Knitting How to Make the Slip, Slip, Knit (SSK) Decrease ...
Yarn Cakes: What They Are and How to Use Them How to Calculate Yarn Yardage for Knitting or Crochet How to Knit Front and Back (KFB / K1FB Increase) How to P2TOG (Purl 2 Together) in Knitting How to Make the Slip, Slip, Knit (SSK) Decrease ...
This gives you your twisted stitch with the bar around it first, and your untwisted stitch with no bar second, which is the exact reverse of the standard front-and-back increase. Looking at the first increase row, we'll knit the selvedge stitch, then do the increase on the following ...
inc = increase K: k or K = knit k1b = knit 1 in back loop of stitch k2tog = knit 2 stitches together kfb = knit into front and back of stitch kwise = knitwise L: LH = left hand lp(s) = loop(s) M: MC = main color ...
Blocking process– Dampen the knitted front and back pieces, open flat on a few pieces of dry towels. Adjust the shape according to the dimension, pin on the towel. Press with steam iron with medium heat until the knitted piece is dry and fixed to the dimension. ...
After the front and back are knit, the pieces are seamed, then the little sleeve ribbing is knit in the round, as well as the neckline. I did change how the neckline was knit, as I didn’t like the way it was written in the pattern (a basic ribbing with a bind off at the end...