knightsbridge house international school学校地址:31 Ocean Way, #01 - 15 Singapore 098375Knightsbridge House International School是一所独立的男女混合国际学校,拥有国际教师,提供Prep to 6并遵循国际小学课程(IPC)。学生将沉浸在一个多元文化、包容和协作的社区中,该社区将营造一个培育环境,使他们能够发挥最大潜力...
Private School (Fee Paying), Girls, 4-11 Years, Day Bute House has an outstanding reputation for the academic success of the girls, but a great education encompasses so much more and, in fact, contributes to academic success. Bute House is forward thinking and offers a broad curriculum that...
Just after Bowater House had been completed in 1958, and not half a mile up the road in South Kensington, a twenty year old Pauline Boty began her first year at the Royal College of Art in South Kensington. Boty was at the School of Stained Glass but had originally wante...