One of my favorite parts of the quiz is the part at the end that tells you that you are allowed to simply choose which order you think fits best. This is probably how it works in universe most of the time (main characters excluded). People willingly chose to join the Radiants in the...
On this very Tense (yet Cohesive) Shardcast, we actually do finish talking about every order of Knights Radiant, getting through four orders in just over two hours. So yes, it's long, but technically speaking, shorter than the last one. We also go seriously into the weeds on a matter ...
So far, so run of the mill – at least for time travel stories, that is – but Radiant Historia boasts one of the most compelling narratives both gaming and the time travel genre have seen to date. In case you couldn’t tell, I really dug it the first time round. In this port not...
Radiant Sun Shards Damage Bonus Versus Constructs: Medium Damage Bonus Versus Undead: Medium Shivermist Buster Damage Bonus Versus Construct: High Stagger Storm Damage Bonus Versus Slime: High Venom Veiler Voltaic Tempest Helmets Mad Bomber Mask Increased Curse Resistance: Medium Mercurial Helm ...