1.A secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of terrorism. 2.A secret fraternal organization of similar intent founded in Georgia in 1915. [Perhaps alteration of Greekkuklos,circle; seecycle+ alteration ofclan.] ...
Knights of Columbus InsuranceSamuel Cardinal Stritch Assembly #205 - Officers In GOD we Trust July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 Office Sir Knight Faithful Friar Fr. Edmund Aristil Faithful Navigator Joseph T. Kunnengode Faithful Captain Joseph "Rick" Schulp Faithful Pilot Robert Layne Faithful Comp...
Goldberg certainly put together an All-Star campaign in the Queen City with the Knights. The Columbus, OH native strung together an impressive month of June on his way to the mid-summer classic. In eight June outings (9.2 IP), he went 1-1 with a 0.93 ERA. Overall in 2016, he posted...
been out since recovering from a knee injury he sustained late last season. He began practicing with the team again three weeks ago. Now, Demko is ready to return to the lineup. Demko will serve as the Canucks backup goalie for Friday’s game against Columbus. However, he could...