more experienced Knights rarely discourage them. Some see it as a way of pruning the ranks, others as a suitable outlet for the enthusiasm of youth, but none would deny a young knight his destiny. Those whose skill and bravery are proven will go on to become Knights of the Realm.[2a] ...
纪事报1命运的召唤战争的前兆(Chronicle 1Harbingers of War The Call of Destiny) 天堂2原声大碟-原声大碟.-.[Lineage.2].专辑.(mp3)/03 Login BGM 登入背景音樂 291首 東方商船 奇岩城鎮 Merchant Ships from the East Giran Castle Town 天堂2原声大碟-原声大碟.-.[Lineage.2].专辑.(mp3)/02 Village...
Tell me now, your destiny Ridding all the time Alone in eternity. Travel long and hard, Our Knight Errant is loosing his wish Chants from the distance Invoke his blood to ancient land. Mystic Knight Errant. When you find your promised land? Ridding in the night Where end the eternal voyag...