川普的第一桩金融诈欺民事案遭定罪的全部罚款赔偿金加利息合计为4亿5400万美元。为避免资产遭法院扣押,川普成功缴交法官规定的1亿7500万美元担保金。每日邮报称担保金来自素有次级车贷之王之称的净资产$74亿美元的亿万富翁唐·汉基的Knight Specialty Insurance保险公司,他自称与川普之间并无私交,至少应该庆幸保证金不...
well so far I haven't had to make any claims since I became a customer, I may have to re-evaluate my decision when I get my premium notice in a few months if my premiums increase. Clifford T,customer since 2018 You guys are so terrific. You have always given me great customer servi...
Professional Liability Insurance, aka Errors and Omissions (E&O), is a type of insurance coverage designed to protect professionals and businesses from claims of negligence, errors, mistakes, or inadequate work Workers’ Compensation Insurance Workers’ Compensation , aka Workers’ Comp, is a type...
We regularly purchase R&W policies for buy-side clients, structure transactions for our sell-side clients to require the buyer to purchase R&W insurance, and advise insurers in underwriting policies and adjusting claims. This helps us to eliminate or greatly reduce escrows, holdbacks and other ...
Martie Ross:The metric we have found very useful in measuring community engagement, identifying opportunities for rural hospitals is out migration analysis using primarily Medicare claims data because that's the most complete set of data available to us. ...
Insurance application hosting and claims processing Managed public, semi-private and private cloud services Back office services outsourcing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Our lawyers have significant experience working with clients in the licensing, implementation and support of large Enterprise Re...