川普的第一桩金融诈欺民事案遭定罪的全部罚款赔偿金加利息合计为4亿5400万美元。为避免资产遭法院扣押,川普成功缴交法官规定的1亿7500万美元担保金。每日邮报称担保金来自素有次级车贷之王之称的净资产$74亿美元的亿万富翁唐·汉基的Knight Specialty Insurance保险公司,他自称与川普之间并无私交,至少应该庆幸保证金不...
Business Property Insurance, aka Commercial Property, is designed to provide comprehensive coverage for your company’s tangible assets. From equipment and inventory to buildings and furnishings. General Liability Insurance General Liability Insurance (GL), aka small business liability insurance or commer...
27 Swift Receivables Company II, LLC 子公司 28 Sturgeon Equipment, Inc. 子公司 29 Quad K, LLC 子公司 30 M.S. Carriers, LLC 子公司 31 Swift Transportation Co., LLC 子公司 32 Swift Intermodal, LLC 子公司 33 Common Market Equipment, LLC 子公司 34 Iron Maintenance LLC 子公司 35 Trans-Me...
Upperline Health, the nation's largest provider network dedicated to specialty value-based care, in connection with a $58.35 million funding round led by Crestline Investors, an institutional alternative investment management firm Clearsense, a platform as a service (PaaS) company that partners with ...
Represented DFW Capital Partners in connection with its acquisition of Superior Controls Inc., a New Hampshire-based provider of control systems integration and specialty engineering services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and food and beverage companies Represented Project Performance Company LLC, a por...
Morgan Ribeiro:I was talking to a CEO of a healthcare company the other day. He has started a behavioral healthcare company that's focused on rural providers, and they actually utilize a room within the hospital where then a patient can talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist through tele...
) in a $2.2 billion sale to another REIT and the related "go shop" sale process Represented a Fortune 50 company, one of the world's leading resources for commercial real estate capital, in its acquisition of a publicly traded REIT and one of the largest landlords in Southern California ...