Knight of Pentacles Tarot card Knight of Pentacles's Meaning The Knight of Pentacles symbolizes the virtues of patience, honour, and dependability, and his presence in your spread may indicate you, too, possess these traits. An alternative traditional view is that he represents a young man, a ...
The Knight of Pentacles (Coins) - tarot card meanings and illustrationsBasic MeaningUpright - This card can indicate an impassive, indifferent and stoical person, who does not always appreciate the feelings of others. A very traditional person who is clever in monetary affairs, patient and hard...
The Knight of Disks embodies the three facets of Disks in Capricorn, respectively the qualities of the Two, Three and Four of Disks. Upright: ambitious, dutiful, patient, and preserving. Reversed: authoritarian, cold, calculating and pessimistic. TRADITIONAL DIVINATORY TAROT – Study and Learning ...
Knight of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Meaning When the Knight of Swords appears reversed in a reading, it can indicate the influence of a young man (can be a woman too) in your life who may be giving you bad advice which is affecting your decision making abilities. When reversed, the Knig...
In Tarot, the Knight of Pentacles (Coins) represents cautious plans. Learn this card’s meaning in love, career, or advice readings or when it appears reversed.
The week’s outlook is represented byThe Hierophant, with advice coming in as theKnight of Pentaclesfrom the (gorgeous)Star Tarot. Of course we take action. But it’s best taken when you’re in the zone, clear, and focused. You’ve got to fill your cup first. Relax, distract, ge...
For outlook this week, we have theHierophantand the advice is the Messenger of Earth (akaKnight of Pentacles) from the visually evocative deck,The Good Tarot. Everything will come together as needed–the Hierophant is unfailingly competent. When this spiritual leader shows up, calling upon your...
Knight of PentaclesTarot Reading
I literally “had my own number” with the advice I giving my Tarot friend at the time. Damn it. Every reading, on some level, is a reading for yourself. Every interaction in an interaction with some aspect of yourself as reflected by and in whatever is standing before you. You are ...