The article reports on the participation of employees of Knife River Corp. from seven states in efforts to combat floods in North Dakota and Iowa. Bismarck and Mandan, North Dakota are experiencing continued rise in water levels due to increasing releases from the upstream Garrison Dam. The ...
Zach Knoop, corporate director of safety for Knife River Co., Bismarck, N.D, was named NSSGA's 2011 James M. Knife River's Zach Knoop receives Christie award Winner (intent to award): Knife River, Boise, Idaho Amount: $4,892,061 Project: U.S. A roundup of top bidders for April 20...
The Knife River Flint Quarries: Excavations at Site 32DU508, Stanley A. Ahler, 1986, State Historical Society of North Dakota, North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck, 117 pp. (paper), $20.00Nois available for this article.doi:10.1002/gea.3340020407...
The Knife River Flint Quarries: Excavations at Site 32DU508, Stanley A. Ahler, 1986, State Historical Society of North Dakota, North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck, 117 pp. (paper), $20.00doi:10.1002/gea.3340020407James B. Benedict